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Staking Contract edited this page Sep 2, 2020 · 6 revisions

Contract Address

Truechain staking contract is deployed at address:


Contract json ABI

Refer to Staking ABI

Interact with contract interface


One node can participate as a validator to proposal new blocks with deposit function. To create your validator, you need to deposit some true coin and register you validator public key. Delegators can bond their coin to the validator account and shares block reward by their portion. Validator can charge for additional fee rate from the delegators reward.

The feeRate calculation:

feeRate = fee / 10000

After deposit, the node becomes a validator candidate. Only if the deposit balance > 20000(true), the validator can be selected as a candidate.

parameter type comment
pubkey bytes BFT public key of 65 bytes
fee uint256 percent of reward charged for delegate, the rate = fee / 10000
value wei true token to deposit


Validator can cancel a portion of the deposit from staking balance. With the cancel transaction executed, the cancelled portion is locked in the contract for about 2 weeks. After the period, validator can withdraw the canceled coins.

parameter type comment
value uint256 unlock a portion of deposit, the unit is wei


Validator can deposit extra true token to the deposit contract by append function.

parameter type comment
value wei amout of coin staked by the deposit account


Validator can withdraw the unlocked token after a locking period of 2 weeks. All the deposit balance can be retrived by getDeposit function.

parameter type comment
value uint256(wei) amount of value withdrawed to the owner


Validator can query deposit balance by getDeposit function. there are 3 states for the deposit: staked, locked, unlocked

  • staked: token which validator bond to stake contract and may receive block reward
  • locked: token which were canceld but are still locked in the deposit util 2 weeks.
  • unlocked: valdator use withdraw token of unlocked state
parameter type comment
owner address address of deposit validator

getDeposit function outputs uint256 tuple of 3 items:(staked, locked, unlocked)

parameter type comment
staked uint256 amount which is staked in deposit
locked uint256 amount which is cancelled but still is in lock period
unlocked uint256 amount which validator can withdraw


People who do not want to run a validator full node can deposit their token to a certern validator to gain staking reward.

If the holder's own deposit is less than 20000 true, delegtor can not receive any reward as the validator would't be elected as a candidate.

parameter type comment
holder address address of a particular validator account
value wei amout of coin deposit to the delegator account


Delegator can cancel a portion of the deposit from a certern validator holder. With the undelegate transaction, the cancelled portion is locked in the contract for about 2 weeks. After the period, delegator can withdraw the canceled token.

parameter type comment
holder address address of the delegator
value uint256 unlock a portion of delegated coin


Delegator can withdraw the unlocked token from a validtor. All the delegation balance can be retrived by getDelegate function.

parameter type comment
holder address address of the delegator
value uint256 amount of coin withdrawed to the owner


getDelegate return the balance state of a delegator. The state of token balance is similar to getDeposit

parameter type comment
owner address owner address of the delegated coin
holder address address of the delegator

getDelegate function outputs uint256 tuple of 3 items: (staked, locked, unlocked)

parameter type comment
staked uint256 amount which is staked in deposit
locked uint256 amount which is cancelled but still is in lock period
unlocked uint256 amount which coin owner can withdraw