This is an interactive chat app built with Streamlit to demonstrate conversational AI models. Try it on on (Streamlit Cloud app[]
- Select from a variety of OpenAI Codex models like Mistral, Jurassic, Davinci etc.
- Interactively chat with the selected AI assistant
- View chat history and have contextual conversations
- Customize the AI assistant prompt
- Define a response schema for the AI to follow
To run the app:
streamlit run
This will launch the Streamlit app on http://localhost:8501.
Select a model, deploy on Colab, and start chatting!
The key components of the app:
- Handles model selection and app
- Renders the chat UI with Streamlit
- Wraps the OpenAI API for chat
- Formats messages for the AI
- Retrieves model metadata from API
The app maintains conversation state and history in Streamlit session state.
Contributions are welcome! Please open issues and pull requests.
Some ideas for improvements:
- Add more AI models
- Improve chat formatting
- Persist conversation history
- Add audio input/output