Releases: tpruvot/ccminer
v2.3.1 Windows binaries
Jan. 30th 2019 v2.3.1
- Handle Lyra2v3 algo
- Handle sha256q algo
- Handle exosis algo
- Handle blake2b standard algo
Built with CUDA 10 for SM3+ devices, SM 7.5 arch was integrated, but seems to only waste disk space.
Note: CUDA 10 requires a nvidia driver 410.48 or more recent.
v2.3 Windows binaries
June 23th 2018 v2.3
- Handle phi2 header variation for smart contracts
- Handle monero, stellite, graft and "cryptolight" variants
- Handle SonoA algo
x64 Binary built with CUDA 9.0
PS: CUDA 9.1 and 9.2 compiler doesnt seems to improve mining, but the latest drivers seems to do it.
v2.2.6 Windows binaries
June 10th 2018 v2.2.6 :
- New phi2 algo for LUX
- New allium algo for Garlic
PS: This windows binary was built from cryptonight branch with CUDA 9.0
v2.2.5 Windows binaries
Final 2.2.5 release with x12, x16r and x16s algos.
Also fix issues on neoscrypt and equihash for the volta cards...
Binaries built with CUDA 9 for SM 3.0 gpus and more recent
v2.2.4 Windows binaries
Jan. 04th 2018
- Improve lyra2v2
- Higher keccak default intensity, and SM3.x improvements
- Drop SM 2.x support by default, for CUDA 9 and more recent
And other changes to simplify the builds on recent linux distributions...
Reminder: CUDA 9.1 required drivers are still in a early stage and unstable in my opinion.
Performances were much lower with it, with a weird behavior locking sometimes more than 60% of the gpu, so try to avoid it for now... especially on linux (nvidia-smi may locks too, with the 387.xx driver bundled in CUDA 9.1 setup, the newer linux 390.12 in beta seems ok)
v2.2.3 Windows binaries
Dec. 04th 2017
- Polytimos Algo
- Handle keccakc variant (keccak with sha256d merkle and a more standard diff factor of 256)
- Optimised keccak for SM5+, based on alexis improvements
CUDA 9 binaries require a nvidia driver 384.xx or more recent
Binaries were built for SM 3 gpus (and more recent)
v2.2.2 Windows binaries
Release with phi and hsr algos (thanks to the HShare team for the fake gpu miner bounty)
- Import and optimise phi algo from LuxCoin repository
- Import and clean the hsr algo (x13 + custom hash)
- Improve sib algo too for maxwell and pascal cards
- Small fix to handle more than 9 cards on linux (-d 10+)
- Attempt to free equihash memory "properly"
- --submit-stale parameter for supernova pool (which change diff too fast)
CUDA 9 binaries require a nvidia driver 384.xx or more recent
Binaries were built for SM 3 gpus (and more recent)
v2.2.1 Windows CUDA 9 binaries
Intermediate release with tribus improvements, built with cuda 9 final
Requires a nvidia driver 384.xx or more recent
v2.2 - Windows binaries
Aug. 13th 2017 v2.2
- New skunk algo, using the heavy streebog algorithm
- Enhance tribus algo (+10%)
- equihash protocol enhancement on
Binaries built with CUDA 8.0
This version was the binary made for the Denarius Team.
It includes the first implementation of equihash but is unfinished, pool support is limited and does not support nicehash stratum.
Main changes : June 16th 2017
- Interface equihash algo with djeZo solver (from nheqminer 0.5c)
- New api parameters (and multicast announces for local networks)
- New tribus algo
The 7z archive is a x64 Binary built with CUDA 8