Following v3.0-rc1
behaving more reliably than v2.2.3, and #17 being merged, the v3.0 refactor is officially complete!
- Updated classes of multiple logos that have broken over time due to Google's changes
- Fixed Google Books Classic's logo repeating
- Logos are now mostly replaced using CSS, and take much less (or even negative) time to be replaced. Additionally, CSS injection-based replacement is computationally less expensive on your computer than the complicated JS methods previously used since v1
- Pages that require MutationObservers to continuously apply changes as the page loads more content now do so in a much faster and optimised manner
- The logic flow for the main replacement class is super optimised and tidied as compared to what was previously in place, allowing for many more functions of the addon to execute as soon as possible rather than later
- Full compatibility for the modern Google Books
- The Google Trends homepage logo has been fixed for users with a smaller window viewport size
- Google Maps favicon replacement now happens much quicker
- Breadcrumbs are removed as you scroll (fixed #16)
- The 404 yeti fishing easter egg can now be removed as part of the tidy results option
- The inline Define tooltip gimmick can be removed via the tidy results option as well
- The tidy results option now increases the density of the results page more effectively, removing unnecessary padding previously untouched
- Result link blue/purple text is now closer to the original
values, as a part of the green URL/breadcrumb option - Result blue/purple and green text now supports dark mode a bit more seamlessly with more contrasting colours that are still closer to the old style than they are to the modern colours
The internal names for options have been renamed. If you have used any v2.2.x version, then you should check your config! Some may have been turned off by default. For new users or people upgrading from v1.x to v3.0, you will have all of these options on by default and don't need to worry.