- Andrea Cassetta - [email protected]
- Alberto Piva - [email protected]
- Enrico Vicentini - [email protected]
The program take in input from command line three parameters. The first and second parameters are mandatory while the third indicates which run you want to obtain.
1 Download the project directory
2 Compile with Maven with the following lines
$ mvn clean package
3 Go to the directory java
4 Run the program with java machine
$ java -cp target/Shanks-Touche-1.00-jar-with-dependencies.jar it.unipd.dei.se.ShanksTouche inputDatasetPath outpurDirPath [n_run]
Required parameters:
- inputDatasetPath = contains the path the the index directory;
- outpurDirPath = contains the path to the run file;
Optional parameters:
- n_run (OPTIONAL) contains the number of RUN to be execute that can be:
1 -> RUN 1 - Re-Ranking approach based on maxNdcg and maxRecall (default)
2 -> RUN 2 - Re-Ranking approach based on maxNdcg and maxRecall
3 -> RUN 3 - maxNdcg using LMD similarity
4 -> RUN 4 - maxNdcg using MULTI similarity
5 -> RUN 5 - maxRecall using MULTI similarity
N.B. Wordnet dict folder to be inserted in the RESOURCES directory of the program before running the maven code listed above
- Wordnet 3.0+ https://wordnet.princeton.edu/download/current-version for linux based systems Wordnet 2.1 for windows based systems
- Dataset from https://zenodo.org/record/3734893#.YIwtB7UzaUk
- Maven 3.6.3
- Lucene 8.8.1
- JDK 11