WSE is a simple, standalone, websocket server which execute request in the browser instead of in the web server. There is a bit of boot strapping that may need help from a web server. But a simple web page and a browser is all that it takes to get running.
To get control of part of a web page (or all of it) use the following HTML snippet. Also make sure you have ej.js and wse.js in the same directory.
<title>wse demo page</title>
<script src='ej.js'></script>
<script src='wse.js'></script>
window.onload = function() {
if ("ws://localhost:1234/websession"))
Wse.start('wse_demo', 'run', ["myid"]);
<div id="myid"></div>
Next thing is to start erlang wse server (default to port 1234):
$ erl
> wse_server:start().
Then have the erlang module wse_demo in the path somewhere:
run(Ws, Where) ->
ElemNode = wse:createElement(Ws, "p"),
TextNode = wse:createTextNode(Ws, "Hello world"),
wse:appendChild(Ws, ElemNode, TextNode),
wse:appendChild(Ws, wse:id(Where), ElemNode).
The browser will call wse_demo:run (via the websocket) with the web socket proxy process as a the first argument and the "myid" as the second argument. From thereon the web page can be manipulated at will.
One nice trick to interact with pages from command line is to register the page it self
<title>Page A</title>
<script src='ej.js'></script>
<script src='wse.js'></script>
window.onload = function() {
if ("ws://localhost:1234/websession")) {
<p id="x">Hello A World</p>
Now this page should be registered in erlang and can be tested. Start with changing the text in the paragraf on the page.
> {ok,X} = wse:getElementById(page_a, "x").
> {ok,Text} = wse:firstChild(page_a, X).
> wse:set(page_a, Text, "nodeValue", "Hej A").
Or we could send some ehtml (erlang style html) defining a button to it
> wse:send(page_a, "x", {button,[{id,"y"}],["Press Me"]}).
Or why not send a whole table to it
> wse:send(page_a, "x", {table,[],[{tr,[],[{td,[],["A"]},{td,[],["B"]}]},{tr,[],[{td,[],["C"]},{td,[],["D"]}]}]}).
To have events sent to us when pressing a button, using send, we can do
> {ok,E} = wse:create_event(page_a).
> wse:send(page_a, "x", {button,[{id,"y"},{onclick,"Wse.notify("++integer_to_list(E)++",'click');"}],["Press Me"]}).
Click on the button on page A a couple of times
> flush().
Shell got {notify,2,[],"click"}
Shell got {notify,2,[],"click"}
Shell got {notify,2,[],"click"}