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Charm Analysis Tools

A collection of utilities to perform analysis on a set of charms.



$ python --help

  Ensure updated repositories for all the charms from the provided list.

  If a repository does not exist, clone it, otherwise do a pull. Assumes that
  all the repositories are in an essentially read-only state and so pull will
  run cleanly.

  The `git` CLI tool is used via a subprocess, so must be able to handle any
  authentication required.

  --cache-folder TEXT
  --help               Show this message and exit.

This tool uses the git CLI tool to clone a provided list of repositories, or if those repositories already exist, then will git pull each of them. The clones are shallow single branch, and the assumption is that pull will always run cleanly (for example, because there are no local changes). The CLI should be configured with appropriate permission to clone and pull each repository.

By default, the repositories are cloned into a .cache folder, but this can be changed using the --cache-folder option.

The input must be a CSV file that has "Charm Name" (only used for logging) and "Repository" columns. The repository must be a source that can be provided to git, for example To simplify authentication, is replaced by [email protected]: when calling the CLI.


Attempts to answer questions like:

  • What version of ops is used?
  • Are dependencies listed in requirements.txt,, or pyproject.toml?
  • What dependencies are there other than ops?
  • What version of Python is required?
  • What optional dependency configurations are defined?

Example output:

             Dependency Sources
┃ Source               ┃ Count ┃ Percentage ┃
│ poetry               │ 15    │ 9.9        │
│ requirements-dev.txt │ 7     │ 4.6        │
│ requirements.txt     │ 142   │ 94.0       │

                                            Ops Versions
┃ Version                                                                      ┃ Count ┃ Percentage ┃
│ ops                                                                          │ 47    │ 31.1       │
│ ops < 2.0                                                                    │ 1     │ 0.7        │
│ ops >= 1.2.0                                                                 │ 2     │ 1.3        │
│ ops~=2.3.0                                                                   │ 1     │ 0.7        │
│ ops~=2.8.0                                                                   │ 1     │ 0.7        │

           Common Dependencies
┃ Package          ┃ Count ┃ Percentage ┃
│ jsonschema       │ 80    │ 53.0       │
│ lightkube-models │ 64    │ 42.4       │
│ lightkube        │ 63    │ 41.7       │
│ jinja2           │ 58    │ 38.4       │
│ pyyaml           │ 56    │ 37.1       │
│ tenacity         │ 56    │ 37.1       │
│ websocket-client │ 47    │ 31.1       │
│ requests         │ 46    │ 30.5       │
│ cryptography     │ 41    │ 27.2       │
│ pydantic         │ 41    │ 27.2       │

      Common Dependencies and Version
┃ Package            ┃ Count ┃ Percentage ┃
│ pyyaml==6.0.1      │ 39    │ 25.8       │
│ requests==2.31.0   │ 38    │ 25.2       │
│ jsonschema         │ 37    │ 24.5       │
│ certifi==2023.7.22 │ 36    │ 23.8       │
│ idna==3.4          │ 36    │ 23.8       │

pyproject.toml Optional Dependency
┃ Section    ┃ Count ┃ Percentage ┃
│ lib_pydeps │ 2     │ 1.3        │


Provides insight into the Charm libs that are used and provided by the charms. For example:

            Charm Lib Usage
┃ Number of Libs ┃ Count ┃ Percentage ┃
│ 0              │ 30    │ 19.9       │
│ 1              │ 28    │ 18.5       │
│ 2              │ 19    │ 12.6       │
│ 3              │ 16    │ 10.6       │
│ 4              │ 11    │ 7.3        │
│ 5              │ 11    │ 7.3        │
│ 6              │ 13    │ 8.6        │
│ 7              │ 10    │ 6.6        │
│ 8              │ 7     │ 4.6        │
│ 9              │ 4     │ 2.6        │
│ 10             │ 1     │ 0.7        │
│ 11             │ 1     │ 0.7        │
│ Total          │ 151   │ 100.0      │

                   Common Charm Libs
┃ Lib                            ┃ Count ┃ Percentage ┃
│ observability_libs             │ 79    │ 52.3       │
│ prometheus_k8s                 │ 55    │ 36.4       │
│ grafana_k8s                    │ 47    │ 31.1       │
│ tls_certificates_interface     │ 38    │ 25.2       │
│ data_platform_libs             │ 37    │ 24.5       │
│ loki_k8s                       │ 28    │ 18.5       │
│ traefik_k8s                    │ 22    │ 14.6       │
│ operator_libs_linux            │ 19    │ 12.6       │
│ nginx_ingress_integrator       │ 15    │ 9.9        │
│ grafana_agent                  │ 10    │ 6.6        │
│ rolling_ops                    │ 9     │ 6.0        │
│ sdcore_nrf                     │ 8     │ 5.3        │
│ tempo_k8s                      │ 7     │ 4.6        │
│ catalogue_k8s                  │ 7     │ 4.6        │
│ kubeflow_dashboard             │ 7     │ 4.6        │
│ certificate_transfer_interface │ 5     │ 3.3        │
│ harness_extensions             │ 4     │ 2.6        │
│ istio_pilot                    │ 4     │ 2.6        │
│ postgresql_k8s                 │ 4     │ 2.6        │
│ zookeeper                      │ 4     │ 2.6        │


Provides answers to questions like:

  • What version of Juju is used?
  • What other assumptions does the metadata define?
  • How many of each type of container is required?
  • How many of each type of storage is required?
  • How many of each type of device is required? (Note: currently none, so not in the output).
  • What types of relations are defined?
  • What types of resources are required?

Example output:

            Juju Versions
┃ Version       ┃ Count ┃ Percentage ┃
│ juju          │ 2     │ 1.3        │
│ juju >= 2.9   │ 1     │ 0.7        │
│ juju >= 2.9.0 │ 2     │ 1.3        │
│ juju >= 3.0.2 │ 2     │ 1.3        │
│ juju >= 3.0.3 │ 2     │ 1.3        │
│ juju >= 3.1   │ 7     │ 4.6        │

┃ Requirement ┃ Count ┃ Percentage ┃
│ k8s-api     │ 52    │ 34.4       │

                    Common Resources
┃ Resource                         ┃ Count ┃ Percentage ┃
│ oci-image                        │ 31    │ 20.5       │
│ httpbin-image                    │ 3     │ 2.0        │
│ lego-image                       │ 3     │ 2.0        │
│ postgresql-image                 │ 2     │ 1.3        │
│ statsd-prometheus-exporter-image │ 2     │ 1.3        │

                    Common Relations
┃ Relation                        ┃ Count ┃ Percentage ┃
│ certificates : tls-certificates │ 33    │ 21.9       │
│ ingress : ingress               │ 31    │ 20.5       │
│ logging : loki_push_api         │ 20    │ 13.2       │
│ nginx-route : nginx-route       │ 10    │ 6.6        │
│ catalogue : catalogue           │ 7     │ 4.6        │

           Storage Types
┃ Storage    ┃ Count ┃ Percentage ┃
│ filesystem │ 58    │ 38.4       │


Provides insight into the automated tests that the charms have. For example:

149 out of 151 (98.7%) use tox.

       Unit Test Libraries
┃ Library  ┃ Count ┃ Percentage ┃
│ unittest │ 90    │ 60.4       │
│ pytest   │ 144   │ 96.6       │

           Testing Frameworks
┃ Framework       ┃ Count ┃ Percentage ┃
│ Harness         │ 123   │ 82.6       │
│ Scenario        │ 15    │ 10.1       │
│ pytest-operator │ 116   │ 77.9       │

          Common Tox Environments
┃ Environment         ┃ Count ┃ Percentage ┃
│ lint                │ 149   │ 100.0      │
│ unit                │ 144   │ 96.6       │
│ integration         │ 127   │ 85.2       │
│ fmt                 │ 122   │ 81.9       │
│ static              │ 44    │ 29.5       │
│ update-requirements │ 39    │ 26.2       │
│ coverage-report     │ 24    │ 16.1       │
│ scenario            │ 20    │ 13.4       │
│ format              │ 19    │ 12.8       │
│ src-docs            │ 13    │ 8.7        │


Attempts to answer questions like:

  • What events are observed?
  • How many times is defer used?
  • How many charms are using hooks or reactive? (This is currently just in the logging output).
  • How many of the repos are bundles? (This is currently just in the logging output).

Example output:

┃ Event                             ┃ Count ┃ Percentage ┃
│ action                            │ 52    │ 35.4       │
│ config_changed                    │ 100   │ 68.0       │
│ install                           │ 64    │ 43.5       │
│ leader_elected                    │ 25    │ 17.0       │
│ pebble_ready                      │ 74    │ 50.3       │
│ relation_broken                   │ 27    │ 18.4       │
│ relation_changed                  │ 44    │ 29.9       │
│ relation_created                  │ 22    │ 15.0       │
│ relation_joined                   │ 37    │ 25.2       │
│ remove                            │ 31    │ 21.1       │
│ start                             │ 25    │ 17.0       │
│ update_status                     │ 45    │ 30.6       │
│ upgrade_charm                     │ 41    │ 27.9       │

     event.defer() Frequency
┃ Frequency ┃ Count ┃ Percentage ┃
│ 0         │ 82    │ 55.8       │
│ 1         │ 22    │ 15.0       │
│ 2         │ 7     │ 4.8        │
│ 3         │ 5     │ 3.4        │
│ 4         │ 6     │ 4.1        │
│ 5         │ 6     │ 4.1        │
│ 6         │ 1     │ 0.7        │
│ 7         │ 1     │ 0.7        │
│ 8         │ 1     │ 0.7        │
│ 9         │ 2     │ 1.4        │
│ 10        │ 1     │ 0.7        │
│ 11        │ 7     │ 4.8        │
│ 12        │ 1     │ 0.7        │
│ 13        │ 3     │ 2.0        │
│ 14        │ 0     │ 0.0        │
│ 15        │ 1     │ 0.7        │
│ 16        │ 1     │ 0.7        │
│ Total     │ 147   │ 100.0      │


Attempts to answer questions like:

  • Which frameworks and languages are charms using (according to CharmHub)?
  • How long is it since charms have published an artifact?

Example output:

┃ Framework ┃ Count ┃ Percentage ┃
│ operator  │ 136   │ 99.3       │

┃ Language ┃ Count ┃ Percentage ┃
│ python   │ 136   │ 99.3       │

       Newest Artifact
┃ Days ┃ Count ┃ Percentage ┃
│ 0    │ 15    │ 10.9       │
│ 1    │ 35    │ 25.5       │
│ 2    │ 14    │ 10.2       │
│ 3    │ 3     │ 2.2        │
│ 4    │ 1     │ 0.7        │
│ 6    │ 1     │ 0.7        │
│ 8    │ 2     │ 1.5        │
│ 9    │ 4     │ 2.9        │
│ 10   │ 2     │ 1.5        │
│ 906  │ 1     │ 0.7        │

       Oldest Artifact
┃ Days ┃ Count ┃ Percentage ┃
│ 1    │ 3     │ 2.2        │
│ 2    │ 1     │ 0.7        │
│ 3    │ 3     │ 2.2        │
│ 7    │ 1     │ 0.7        │
│ 8    │ 2     │ 1.5        │
│ 9    │ 1     │ 0.7        │
│ 986  │ 1     │ 0.7        │
│ 995  │ 1     │ 0.7        │
│ 1036 │ 1     │ 0.7        │


Run a tox environment across all of the charms at once.

To specify the tox to use, pass the executable with the --executable flag, for example:

  • --executable=~/.local/bin/tox
  • ` --executable='uvx tox'
  • ` --executable='uvx --python=3.8 tox'

A configuration file can be provided to skip repositories if required, in the form:


# Intended for repos where it's too expensive to run the tests.
expensive = ["repo1", "repo2"]

# Intended for tests that interaction.
manual = ["repo3"]

# Intended for tests that need dependencies that cannot be installed.
requirements = ["repo4", "repo5"]

# Intended for tests that don't use the `ops` library.
not_ops = ["repo6"]

# Intended for any other cases.
misc = ["repo7"]


  • There are a few charms that are explicitly excluded - these probably belong in a configuration file.
  • Handle more types of dependency patching for using the latest version of ops.
  • Need to do more with the actual results, not just check that everything was ok. For example, how many tests were collected?
  • Should be able to do the "--" thing so can do e.g. "-k some-common-thing"
  • Should be able to target a subset of charms (maybe the above would do this?)
  • Automate running this in a lxd (or whatever) VM, to decrease the risk.
  • It would be good to also run the tests against scenario, pytest-operator (maybe others), even though those are not charms - figure out the best way to do that.
  • It would be very handy to be able to say "compare this version of ops and this version and list the tests that fail/pass only in one case"
  • Ideally, we could specify which version of Python to use in tox - this would require either adjusting the tox.ini file to specify the base Python or perhaps we just specify an exact path to tox, and rely on it being installed with the version we want?
  • A lot of tests seem to fail with Python 3.12 - is this the charms, the tests, tox, super-tox, ... ?
  • Maybe patch out pytest running in parallel, or at least how many workers? e.g. mysql-router-k8s does --numprocesses=120 and that is very taxing while running other charm tests in parallel as well


  • When was the (main branch of the) repo last updated?
  • Is the charm on charmhub? If so, when was it last published?
  • Check 'definition of great'
  • I think there's a bug in the monorepo handling where it thinks that the cache folder is a monorepo.
  • It seems like mixing the charmhub info and the regular info would be informative.
  • Should add the repo for the tutorial so we don't break that (and add repos for any other significant docs?)
  • Can I hook up doctest to the super-tox type system?


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