A wrapper for the TaxiFareFinder API.
Documentation of the API can be found at https://www.taxifarefinder.com/api.php.
The required TaxiFareFinder API key can be requested at https://www.taxifarefinder.com/contactus.php.
import 'package:taxifarefinder/taxifarefinder.dart';
var taxiFareFinder = TaxiFareFinder('<YOUR API KEY>');
// Find the nearest city supported by the TaxiFareFinder API
// A complete list if supported entities can be found at
// https://www.taxifarefinder.com/api.php#entities
TffCity nearestCity = await taxiFareFinder.getNearestCity(13.736717, 100.523186);
// Get fare information like total fare, distance or tip information
TffFare fare = await taxiFareFinder.getFare(
3.147948, 101.710347, 3.144169, 101.718519,
traffic: TffTraffic.light);
// Retrieve a list of taxi companies in a supported city
List<TffTaxiCompany> companies = await taxiFareFinder.getTaxiCompanies('London');