Releases: toger5/Spectre-gtk
Newer gtk version
This also fixes the copy issue of other passwords
Full Changelog: 0.0.6...0.0.7
Feature complete but broken
Add support for different password types and versions.
Still lots of bugs present (particulary the copy system of the other password types)
Under the hood the list model was refactored to allow for those functionalities.
Almost alpha
This version is really close to be an alpha.
There missing features like setting the password type. But it has all the core features and list filtering in place. I wanted to figure out the filtering before starting to add more features.
Usable version with gtk4 and listview implementation
It has almost reached feature parity with the gtk3 branch but is much nicer to look at.
The password file is in the ~/.spectre.d/name.mpsites (The folder still has to be created manually... pre-release...)
gtk4 port
It is usable...
- Passwords can be generated.
- Files for a username a created and loaded when logging in with the same username and user-secret.
- Indenticons are shown.
- When logged in the app goes in the background and no user-secret is required for generating the next site-result (password).
It is a pre-release: - There are lots of known issues.