A simple port of elm's Json encoding and decoding library and a simple to use alternative to Chiron and Fleece.
Documentation for the Decoding API can be found in the elm packages documentation.
The Encoding API is documented here.
open FSharp.Json.Encode
encode true <|
jobject [
"foo", jstring "bar"
"age", jint 42
"list", jlist (List.map jint [ 1..10 ])
open Chessie.ErrorHandling
open FSharp.Json.Decode
let json = "[42, 9]"
let parsed = decodeString (dlist dint) json
let result = parsed |> Trial.returnOrFail
printfn "answer = %A" result
A more complex example
open FSharp.Json.Decode
type Record =
{ prop1: string
prop2: int
prop3: bool }
let parsed =
(object3 (fun p1 p2 p3 -> { prop1 = p1; prop2 = p2; prop3 = p3 })
("prop1" := dstring)
("prop2" := dint)
("prop3" := dbool))
"{ \"prop1\": \"hello\", \"prop2\": 42, \"prop3\": false }"