Portfolio optimized for researchers and those who strive for a minimal, file-based "content management" (Datafolio).
The complete site's content is based on a json/xml file per section (e.g., contact.json
, projects.json
, publications.json
, talks.json
, and teaching.json
) as well as the pages _config.yml
- fully responsive, one-page design with scroll navigation
- provides sections for publications, projects, talks/keynotes, teaching, and contact
- sections' content is loaded from json data-files (_data)
- uses unique, distinguishable layouts for each section
- enables easy BibTeX provisioning (show, select and copy, as well as download .bib)
- php free contact form using Formspree
- supports dynamic integration of Flickr photosets (with simple caching)
- optimized for gh-pages deployment (uses no unsupported plugins)
- favors pretty html output over jekyll code formatting
- simple source code and structure that can be modified or extended easily
- supports vimeo and youtube video playback
- yields valid html5
Datafolio uses Jekyll, Bootstrap, Bootswatch themes, spin.js, and blueimp-gallery.