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UI Configuration

vvaradh edited this page Oct 5, 2018 · 1 revision


Here we will discuss about the types of configurations available for webapp and how it will impact the application.

Required configurations

  • Feature modules visibility: Each feature module can be configured to be displayed or hidden on need basis.
featureModules: {
        COMPLIANCE_MODULE: true, // Expected values: true || false. // Set value as false to hide the module
        ASSETS_MODULE: true, // Expected values: true || false. // Set value as false to hide the module
        OMNI_SEARCH_MODULE: true, // Expected values: true || false. // Set value as false to hide the module
        TOOLS_MODULE: false, // Expected values: true || false. // By default this module is not shown as there is no content added for this
        ADMIN_MODULE: true, // Expected values: true || false. // Set value as false to hide the module
  • Cloud domains: Production, staging and dev environment domains can be configured here
domains: {
        PROD_BASE_URL: '', // Expected values: domain where the API is deployed, ex: here
        STG_BASE_URL: '', // Expected values: domain where the API is deployed, ex: here
        DEV_BASE_URL: '' // Expected values: domain where the API is deployed, ex: here

Optional configurations

  • Auth type: By default, if no values are set in auth configuration, a login screen will ask for username and password, if you have added PacBot to your azure ad, you can provide 'clientId' and 'tenant' values in configuration to enable SSO
auth: {
        AD_AUTHENTICATION: '', // Expected values: true || false || ''. //Make this true once you add PacBot application to Azure AD
        adConfig : {
            tenant: '', // Expected values: Value expected if 'AD_AUTHENTICATION' is true. // Add the tenant value provided by Azure ad after adding your application
            clientId: '' // Expected values: Value expected if 'AD_AUTHENTICATION' is true. // Add the clientId value provided by Azure ad after adding your application
  • PacMan Issues: This configuration is required if you want your users to create jira ticket for the issues reported by PacBot and send those issues to respective teams
    pacmanIssue: {
        CREATE_JIRA_TICKET_FOR_PACMAN_ISSUE: false, // Expected values: true || false || ''. // Make this true if you have enabled jira link where users can create issues reported by PacMan
        emailPacManIssue: {
            ISSUE_MAIL_TEMPLATE_URL: '', // Here you can add the url where your email template is uploaded. Email emplate can be found under the folder emailTemplates in root location of the repo
            ISSUE_EMAIL_FROM_ID: '', // Add the email id from which you would want the mail to be sent from

Find the email template associated for PacMan issue email at root location under the folder named emailTemplates/pacman-v2-email-template. This email template can be uploaded to S3 and the link of that template can be provided in this field ISSUE_MAIL_TEMPLATE_URL