Embed perl into cpp file ,and build into executed files.
- use "./interp.cpp" as template, notice one only need change the code in "TODO AREA".
// -------- TODO ----------
// ------------------------
char *id_cmd = " $a=qq/ABC_/;$a=$a x 10; $a =~ s/.$//;@arr=split m/_/,$a; ";
P_eval( id_cmd ); // run the perl statement in C++
P_arr_print( "arr" );
// ------------------------
// ------------------------
return 0;
to build that, please run : sh bld_cpp.sh , on Windows, I recommend Strawberry Perl. use the g++ or gcc under Strawberry. (if one see error msg, please comment the first line and uncomment 2nd line to use g++ with -std=c++11.)
if not lucky enough to build, check you GCC version, later than version 4.9.2 is recommend.
if everything is ok, a file "interp" will be generated. run it. this will get following output:
$ ./interp
0 : ABC
1 : ABC
2 : ABC
3 : ABC
4 : ABC
5 : ABC
6 : ABC
7 : ABC
8 : ABC
9 : ABC
- also based on ./interp.cpp, edit the TODO.
// -------- TODO ----------
// ------------------------
char *id_cmd = " @arr=(0..99); $float_num=1.234; $str=qq(STRINGS); ";
P_eval( id_cmd );
int num_idx_3 = P_arr_Int_i("arr", 3); // => 3
char *str = Str("str"); // => "STRINGS"
float *float_num = Float("float_num") ; // => 1.234
// ------------------------
// ------------------------
- also based on ./interp.cpp, edit the TODO.
// -------- TODO ----------
// ------------------------
int m_ok = m("abc", "m/b/"); // m_ok => 1
int m_not_ok = m("abc", "m/b/"); // m_not_ok => 0
char *ss = s("abc", "s/b/_B_/"); // ss => a_B_c ,this is perl $a =~ s/xx/XX/g
// ------------------------
// ------------------------
good enough? or wanna explore more API to see the magic?
- I think this is self-explaination. no need extra description :)
INIT_PERL_INTERP; init perl and perl interp :my_perl
P_eval("$_=111"); run perl statement
Int("a"); get $a from eval()
Float("a"); dotto
Str("a"); dotto
P_arr_len("arr"); get @arr length
P_arr_Str_i("arr", 3); get @arr[3] as Str;
P_arr_Int_i("arr", 3); get @arr[3] as Int;
P_arr_Float_i("arr", 3); get @arr[3] as Float;
P_arr_print("arr"); print out @arr and its index,very slowly...
int xx = m("abc", "m/b./"); perl match
char *ss = s("abc", "s/b/B/g"); perl substitute
DESTROY_PERL_INTERP; Destroy my_perl
--By Jidor Tang [email protected] at 2017-03-07
- test new env
- add t folder for testcases