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vr2045 edited this page Nov 13, 2019 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the UPduino-v3.0 wiki!

Here is a proposed set of features for the UPduino 3.0 design:


  • Identical pinout as UPduino 2.0/2.1
  • Same cost as current UPduino ($19.95)
  • Switch to KiCAD: Current design is done in Eagle. Eagle is free only for non-commercial projects and then too only for 2 layer boards. KiCAD is an OSHW friendly tool in contrast with no such limitations.
  • 0.1" header format
  • Better layout
  • Oscillator option

Proposed changes

  • Board layout:
    • 4 layer board, solid ground plane, dedicated power layer for 3.3V and 1.2V distribution
    • Any optional bridges must be done using special bridge-type footprint instead of resistors to make modification easy
    • All passives to be no smaller than 0603 footprint
    • Fix silkscreen so its easy to read, add Pb Free, WEEE symbol, "Made in USA"
    • Move Micro USB connector inboard a little bit to allow clean depanelization
  • Power
    • Dedicated power and ground planes
    • Minimum of 10uF bulk capacitance on all power rails: USB, 3.3V, 1.2V
    • Dedicated decoupling capacitance on each FPGA pin placed close the FPGA pin
    • Power decoupling per FTDI recommendations (using ferrite beads)
    • Change LDO's to be smaller parts, capable of 200mA max output
  • Oscillator:
    • 12MHz crystal oscillator to replace the resonator for stability
    • Solder bridge option to connect the 12MHz oscillator to the FPGA
  • Flash
    • qSPI option using the currently unused pin 10, 20 (layout permitting)
    • DTR capable flash to support even higher throughput
  • Programming:
    • Connect DONE signal to the FTDI
    • FPGA CRAM programming capability
  • LED:
    • Smaller 3 color LED?
    • Bring out the 3 color LED pins to alternate (DNI) LED footprints to allow these to be used for other applications such as IR LED's etc.
  • Sample code:
    • Ship with RISCV port instead of very simple blinky


  • Support for the tinyFPGA bootloader by DNI'ing the FTDI for a low-cost option
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