RF InterTechno Decoder
A small tool to decode the packets received by RFSwitch: https://github.com/wguerlich/RFSwitch RFSwitch is a small tool that detects the Intertechno RF signals from an CC1101/CC1100 tranceiver that is connected directly to a Raspberry PI by SPI. RFSwitch does not decode the RF symbols though.
This small Typescript based Node Server decodes the RF Symbols based on Javascript Code from wguerlich: wguerlich/RFSwitch#1
Install Instructions:
- Install node and npm
- The code was tested with node v8.12.0 and npm 6.4.1
- This versions are not included in Raspbian apt. Search the web for install instructions for node binaries.
- The code wil likely not work with node versions before 8.5
- Install Typescript:
- npm install -g typescript
- Install Packages:
- npm install
- Compile Typescript:
- tsc
Run the server by:
- sudo node server
Sudo is required as RFSwitch otherwise cannot connect to SPI
Edit config/config.json as you like -> Set the URL of your MQTT Server
The received button presses are by default transmitted as topic "intertechno_event" over MQTT. You can change the topic in the config.
In case you want to run this as a service:
- Copy rfintertechno.service to /etc/systemd/system/rfintertechno.service
- sudo cp rfintertechno.service /etc/systemd/system/rfintertechno.service
- sudo systemctl daemon-reload
- sudo systemctl enable rfintertechno.service
- Edit the path to yours!!!
- Edit the sudoers file
- sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/smarthome
- Add this line: root ALL = NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/node /home/pi/RF_InterTechno/server
- (the path must match the line in service)