Check out the functioning bot on Telegram here.
This is a continuation of the previous tutorial telegram_sg_checkpoint_pytutorial. In this version, we will use a Conversational style bot and a custom keyboard.
Do check it out if you haven't as this tutorial is heavily dependent on that.
A basic tutorial to write a telegram bot using python written by someone who does not know how to code at all (Learnt on the go).
This version uses telegram ConversationHandler for simplicity purposes. We will be using python-telegram-bot as a wrapper.
- Have read and understand telegram_sg_checkpoint_pytutorial
- Basic Knowledge On Python 3.x
- IDE (Personal Recommendation PyCharm)
- A Telegram Account
- Heroku Command Line
- Heroku Account - Free
This tutorial will be using PyCharm as an IDE.
We can always install a fresh copy of everything by using pip install
but that will take too long and you do not
know which version you will be using. Therefore, we can use someone's/your own previously done project to use the same
library version.
Start off by creating a new project. Ensure it is utilizing pipenv
as an environment.
Once created, you will realize that the IDE will auto generate a Pipfile
for you in your
root directory. Delete that. Instead we will be using requirements.txt
from your previous project to load all the libraries in.
After deleting the auto generated Pipfile
copy and paste/download from my repo, the requirements.txt
. Now your project
directory should look like this
Once that is done. Run the command inside your IDE terminal (ensure directory is your project root directory).
$ pipenv shell
$ pipenv update
What this does is to load the requirements.txt
file into a Pipfile
and then it will download and install all
the required libraries into your Python Environment.
in the console config.
The difference in V1 and V2 is how the code is being processed. For V1 what we were doing is using commands /commands
to invoke functions. While for V2
we will be using a conversational style bot. A good example of a conversational bot can be found here and here.
You will need to understand State Machines to be able to fully understand the passing of arguments(eg User Information) in a conversation handler.
We will be using these 5 states. States can be anything you labelled it as. In this case I will be calling it in integers form, state 0, state 1 etc.
menu_reply_keyboard = [['Camera π·'], ['Rates π°'], ['Info βΉοΈ']]
camera_reply_keyboard = [['Woodlands', 'Tuas'], ['Back']]
rates_reply_keyboard = [['πΈπ¬β‘οΈπ²πΎ', 'π²πΎβ‘οΈπΈπ¬'], ['Back']]
Let's look at menu_reply_keyboard
Emoji's can be added easily into the string function (Only for Python 3.x) for Python 2.x you will have to include the Unicode function. To add the emoji in Python 3.0 just launch Telegram, copy and paste the emoji from Telegram into the string.
If you noticed, the keyboard is stored as a list. By putting it in [['A'],['B'],['C']]
, your keyboard layout will look like this:
If you place it as [['A','B','C']]
it will be like this:
Bear in mind you can mix and match the layout. Eg: camera_reply_keyboard = [['Woodlands', 'Tuas'], ['Back']]
To "enable" the keyboard, you will have to attach it to a text message. As such, we use update.message.reply_text
to call the keyboard.
An example:
@send_typing_action # enable typing... when processing
def start(update, context):
This is what happens when you type /start. It displays a message with a custom keyboard and returns to the state MENU
"Going to π²πΎ or coming back πΈπ¬ \nCome, I let you see if got jam anot. \nOr you want exchange rate also can.",
reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup(menu_reply_keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True))
return MENU
When you use the function update.message.reply_text
, the User ID and chat ID will automatically be passed in the function. reply_markup
identify what kind of keyboard you would like to pass it to. ReplyKeyboardMarkup(YOUR_KEY_BOARD, FUNCTION_TO_EXECUTE)
Read up telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup for more info.
This function passes all kinds of messages, from replies to getting input/output. The format can be update.message.reply_photo
or update.message.reply_text
whereby it takes
in the User's input / Chat ID etc.
update.message.reply_photo(woodlands_bke_image, caption=(''...'))
The whole list of commands should be read and fully understand here
Adds the typing...
status to the bot while its processing a function. Aesthetic purposes, makes it looks like its a human.
Add a @send_typing_action
on top of any function for it to be called.
def send_typing_action(func):
"""Sends typing action while processing func command."""
def command_func(update, context, *args, **kwargs):, action=ChatAction.TYPING)
return func(update, context, *args, **kwargs)
return command_func
This handler will be our primary way of communicating between User and bot
class telegram.ext.ConversationHandler(entry_points, states, fallbacks, allow_reentry=False, run_async_timeout=None,
timed_out_behavior=None, per_chat=True, per_user=True, per_message=False, conversation_timeout=None)
Sample Conversation Handler format:
conv_handler = ConversationHandler(
entry_points=[CommandHandler('start', start)],
MENU: [MessageHandler(Filters.regex('^Camera π·$'), camera, pass_user_data=True),
MessageHandler(Filters.regex('^Rates π°$'), rates, pass_user_data=True),
MessageHandler(Filters.regex('^Info βΉοΈ'), info, pass_chat_data=True)],
CHOOSING_CAMERA: [MessageHandler(Filters.regex('^Woodlands$'), woodlands, pass_user_data=True),
MessageHandler(Filters.regex('^Tuas$'), tuas, pass_user_data=True)],
CHOOSING_RATES: [MessageHandler(Filters.regex('^πΈπ¬β‘οΈπ²πΎ$'), ask_rates_sg_my, pass_user_data=True),
MessageHandler(Filters.regex('^π²πΎβ‘οΈπΈπ¬$'), ask_rates_my_sg, pass_user_data=True)],
CALCULATE_SG_MY: [MessageHandler(Filters.text, calc_rates_sg_my, pass_user_data=True)],
CALCULATE_MY_SG: [MessageHandler(Filters.text, calc_rates_my_sg, pass_user_data=True)],
fallbacks=[MessageHandler(Filters.regex('^Back$'), start, pass_user_data=True)],
allow_reentry=True # this line is important as it allows the user to talk to the bot anytime
runs /start
to execute your start function. This is to determine that you are "entering" the loop for a conversation.
are the different state machines the bot is in when you are executing the script.
stands for regular expression, which basically strips the text you click and match it with a function. However since we have already
pre-define our User input (Keyboard), we can just use the format ('^xxx$')
which basically just matches both input and output.
is to ensure that the bot "remembers" the same User who is talking to the bot and also pushes the Chat ID and User ID along .
you can think of it as a "Cancel" or "Back" function.
this is important as it allows a User to communicate with the bot even if the conversation is cleared. This
sorts of resets the State of the machine is in for the particular User. This is extremely important if we deloy it in the FREE Heroku as after
30 minutes of inactivity of the bot, Heroku puts it into sleep. If you resume the bot (sending a command), it will
forget the state you are in and will never enter back into the Conversation Handler.
The rest of the code can be found in
Same as telegram_sg_checkpoint_pytutorial.
I will not be doing an in-depth tutorial for Docker. You can Dockerize it to Heroku by creating a extension-less file called Dockerfile
in your root directory
On the inside:
FROM python:3.7
RUN mkdir /app
ADD . /app
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
CMD python /app/
On your project folder directory terminal:
$ heroku container:login
$ heroku container:push --app <HEROKU_NAME> web
$ heroku container:release --app <HEROKU_APP_NAME> web
and you're done.
- Deploying to a VPS
- Sending location gives you the nearest checkpoint camera
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.