Pacman type game built as a RESTful API using go-lang
This project is my first venture into using go.
A. I normally spend my day developing API's in java / python.
B. I normally spend my commute time trying to throw together some game code for fun.
A + B = C. Here is my playground project to learn about the go language and have a little fun at the same time.
Inspired by the idea of https://speakerdeck.com/christkv/mongoman-a-nodejs-powered-pacman-clone I saw demoed at
2012 MongoDB conference in London.
##Running all the tests
The project contains a number of unit and functional test which can be run with following command
go test ./...
##Running all the server
To compile the go-man server type:
go build
To run the go-man server type:
There is a javascript client located at:-
This can be used to play the game locally.
Or there is a demo version of the game hosted on heroku and google app engine.
Client: http://go-man-client.heroku.com