There are a few major code updates/fixes that were to be done to this spring boot started project to make it functional. The raw code given by upgrad had some critical code missing which was to be added .
Overview This Spring Boot application is designed to serve as the backend for an online shopping portal. It provides endpoints for user authentication, product management, order processing, and address management, interfacing with a MongoDB database. This README provides an overview of the application's features, API endpoints, and setup instructions.
User Authentication POST [/auth/signup] (http://localhost:8080/api/auth/signup) : Register a new user. POST [/auth/login] (http://localhost:8080/api/auth/signin) : Authenticate a user and obtain a session token, userid , roles associated with user
Products GET [/api/products] (http://localhost:8080/api/products) : Retrieve the list of all products. GET /products/categories: Fetch available product categories. POST /products: Add a new product (Admin only). GET [api/products/{id}] http://localhost:8080/api/products/{id}: Get details of a specific product. DELETE /products/{id}: Delete a product (Admin only).
Addresses GET api/addresses: Retrieves all the stored addresses POST /addresses: Add a new address.
Orders POST /orders: Place a new order.
Clone the Repository git clone
Navigate to the Project Directory cd
Build and Run the Application
Using Maven: mvn clean install mvn spring-boot:run
Using Gradle: ./gradlew build ./gradlew bootRun
Access the Application The application will be accessible at http://localhost:8080 by default.
Ensure that MongoDB is installed and running on your local machine or remote server. To install Mongo DB into your local machine , you can go through below links
Update the file to configure your MongoDB connection and any other application-specific settings: properties