Some project templates I find helpful when wanting to try ideas out quickly.
All the goodies I've been learning how to use over these past few months in a simple little starter project. Still some work to do to make a functional hello world using BackboneJS but this will do for the time being :)
My own starter webpage I've been using to jumpstart experimentation with HTML/CSS/JavaScript. The javascript libraries are all development versions since I do not read minified. If you are able to easily, you need to get laid.
I can manage when it comes to the html producing tasks but I will fool no one into thinking I'm any kind of interactive web developer. I work with some bad ass web devs and I couldn't hold a candle to them. So I need a crutch like this :)
Versions listed here are "at least" version meaning I'm lazy and will probably forget to update this README when I update the copy of the library.
So far, here are the fixings:
- index.html - (hopefully) correct markup usage
- jQuery - 1.8.2
- underscore - 1.4.2
- backbone - 0.9.2
- reset.css - 2.0
... maybe. If I decide I care enough. But anyway, some templates I may throw together:
A starter PhoneGap (Cordova) project for Android, iOS and possibly others. Would like to crystalize the directory and file structure with verbose documentation to explain reasoning, common workflow, pitfalls, etc. Would serve as a good home for some starter styling.
Spring JEE How many java libraries and APIs can I coble together to make a web app...
- Spring MVC - primary web app framework
- Spring Security - authentication and authorizatoin
- Jackson - JSON marshalling and unmarshalling
- JPA - ORM duties
- JMS - queing
- JTA - transaction mangament
- ehcache - application caching
- logging - oh man, do I want to do that to myself again? w/e works! ;)
Maven POM's and ant scripts
Everything from global settings I like to common dependencies, project structures and archtypes.