This plugin send a method call to javascript from objective c when keyboard will show/hide.
Assuming you're running Cordova 2.9+ and using the command line interface
$ cd /path/to/project
$ cordova plugin add
If you're using plugman to install the plugins then use -
$ cd /path/to/project/platform/<ios/android>/
$ plugman install --platform ios --project /path/to/project/platform/<ios/android>/ --plugin
In your javascript do as follows -
var keyboard = cordova.require('com.techblue.cordova.plugin.keyboard_notification.KeyboardNotification');
Also create a method named 'resizePageOnKeypadDownManually' in js file and place the code you want to be executed when you get the notification, like -
var resizePageOnKeypadDownManually = function() {
console.log('Successfully called from objective-c.');