- Tara Strauss: Full Stack Engineer Check out my work!
- Anthony Lee: Full Stack Engineer Check out my work!
To connect aspiring chefs to users tired of the usual selection of takeout and fastfood. The flavoUr app aims to provide amateur chefs a new source of income and another way to share their 'flavoUr' with those around them.
GIVEN: A user (patron) is hungry and wants to eat a homecooked meal.
WHEN: A user comes to our app.
THEN: They can find a person selling a homecooked meal in their area.
GIVEN: A user (trained chef) wants to be ability to sell their grourmet cooking.
WHEN: The user comes to the website.
THEN: The user will be able to register as a neighborhood chief and will be able to post their products.
- React.js
- jQuery
- Javascript
- Material Design
- React.js
- Node.js
- Express
- Django 1.9.4
- Django Rest Framework
- Python 2.7