Visit the following link (Watch on Youtube) for a guided demo in Spanish
All the screenshots can be found in docs/screenshots
Run the following commands in separate terminals and leave them running while coding so code generations happen when files change:
dart run slang watch
dart run build_runner watch
You can also use the built-in makefile
'flutter_native_splash' and 'flutter_launcher_icons' require building before running the application, use the following commands:
dart pub get
dart run flutter_native_splash:create
dart run flutter_launcher_icons
slang and freezed packages require code generation before building the application, use the following commands:
dart run slang build
dart run build_runner build
In order to relese build the app you need to precompile the SKSL shaders, you can use the provided 'flutter_01.sksl.json' file or provide your own via the command:
flutter run --profile --cache-sksl --purge-persistent-cache --dump-skp-on-shader-compilation
Trigger as much animations as you can and then press M inside the command-line to export the 'flutter_01.sksl.json' file
Then compile the .apk application using the following command
flutter build apk --obfuscate --split-debug-info=build/app/output/symbols --no-track-widget-creation --release --bundle-sksl-path flutter_01.sksl.json --no-tree-shake-icons -v
You can also use the built-in makefile