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Using MLOps with PyTorch to train a Swiss license plate detector


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License Plate Detection


The goal of this project is to train a model to detect license plates in images using MLOps to automate the process of preparing the dataset, training the model, and deploying the model.

The approach was to train two models:

  • A localization model to detect the license plate in the image
  • An OCR model to detect the characters in the cropped license plate from the localization model


The first two images are the results of the individual models, localize and OCR respectively. The third image shows the result of the combination of both models to crop the image to the license plate and then run the OCR model on the cropped image.

We achieved an accuracy of around 84% for the end-to-end plate detection.

The Dataset

The data for the models is generated on the fly using a custom Swiss license plate generator and the CIFAR-10 dataset.

The license plate generator is based on Swiss license plates. An example is shown below:

Swiss license plate example

The below are some generated images for the localization model.

  • The images are preprocessed to be grayscale and resized to 84x84.
  • The labels are the bounding boxes (cx, cy, w, h) of the license plate in the image.

The below are some generated images for the OCR model.

  • The images are preprocessed to be grayscale, cropped and resized to 84x84.
  • The labels are the characters in the license plate including the canton and the padding character. (cf. PyTorch CTCLoss)

Getting Started


  • Python >=3.8<3.12
  • Poetry >=1.3.0
  • An S3 bucket to store the DVC remote


Clone the repository

git clone

cd pytorch-mlops-license-plate

Download the Dataset

The dataset for this project can be found under the data branch. You can download it using the following command:

wget -O


# Move the data to the correct folder
mv pytorch-mlops-license-plate-data/datasets data/datasets

# Remove the zip and the folder
rm && rm -r pytorch-mlops-license-plate-data/

Project Structure

├── data (1) datasets path
│   └── datasets
├── dvc.yaml
├── out (2) DVC and DVCLive outputs path
│   ├── checkpoints
│   ├── evaluations
│   ├── models
│   ├── prepared
│   └── runs
├── (3) Custom parameters file in Python for DVC
├── params.yaml (4) Global parameters file for DVC
└── src (5) Source code devided into modules, one module per DVC stage
    ├── datasets
    ├── generators
    ├── localize
    ├── models
    ├── ocr
    ├── stack
    └── utils

Install the Python Dependencies

# Install the dependencies
poetry install

# Activate the virtual environment
poetry shell

Setup DVC

You can use any DVC remote. In this project, we used a Google S3 bucket. If you would like to use the bucket with the cache (which includes the models), you need to get in touch with the administrator of repository to get the credentials.

Reset DVC Remote

First, you need to reset the DVC remote to your own S3 bucket. You can do this resetting DVC with:

dvc destroy

Then, you can initialize DVC with the following command:

dvc init

Configure Your Own S3 Bucket

You can simply follow the instructions on the DVC documentation to setup your own S3 bucket.

Note: Make sure you use the --local flag when configuring secrets. The configuration will be stored in the .dvc/config and .dvc/config.local files.

Track with DVC

For this project, you will need to track the data/datasets folder. You can do this by running the following command:

dvc add data/datasets

Update the GitHub CI/CD

You have to also modify the GitHub CI/CD located at .github/workflows/mlops.yml to authenticate with your own S3 bucket. In our case, we used Google Cloud Storage.

DVC Pipeline

In this section, you will learn how to run the pipeline.

DVC Stages

The project is divided into 6 stages:

  • prepare_localize - prepares the dataset for the localization model
  • train_localize - trains the localization model
  • evaluate_localize - evaluates the localization model
  • prepare_ocr - prepares the dataset for the OCR model
  • train_ocr - trains the OCR model
  • evaluate_ocr - evaluates the OCR model
  • prepare_stack - prepares the dataset for the combined model
  • evalutate_stack - evaluates the combined model

You can preview the pipeline with the following command:

DVC dag command output

Run the Pipeline

The params for DVC are separated into two files:

  • params.yaml - global parameters
  • - stage specific parameters

The file is a Python file that is executed by DVC. It also allows you to use the variables defined in that file with type hints for a better experience.

For testing the pipeline without needing to train the models for a long time, you can reduce the number of samples and epochs with the following command:

dvc exp run -S "" \
  -S "" \
  -S "" \
  -S "" \
  -S "" \
  -S ""

DVC experiments are stored automatically saved once they are run. You can list all the experiment results with the following command:

dvc exp show

View the Results


While the experiment is running, you can view the live metrics with the following command:

dvc plots diff --open

This will open in the browser the difference between the current experiment and remote HEAD.


To view the live training metrics, you can run the following command:

tensorboard --logdir_spec=localize:out/runs/localize/tensorboard,ocr:out/runs/ocr/tensorboard

Push your Changes

Once you are satisfied with the results, you can promote the experiment to a new Git branch and push your changes:

dvc exp branch <experiment name> <branch name>

Note: You can get the experiment name from the output of the dvc exp run command.

When you are satisfied with the results, you can push the changes to the DVC remote. This will also push the changes to the Git remote.

dvc push

DVC with CML

Open a Pull Request

You can open a pull request for the branch you created. GitHub will run the pipeline and CML will comment on your pull request with the differences between main and your branch.

If you are happy with the results, you can merge the pull request.

Serve the Model with MLEM

To serve the latest model, you can run the following commands:

# Save the model stack for MLEM
python3 -m src.save_stack

# Serve the model
python3 -m src.serve

You can the open the browser and go to to test the model.

Further Improvements

Below are some ideas for further improvements:

  • Add a fine-tuning stage for the localization model
  • Optimize the dataset generation (this is the current bottleneck)
  • Optimize the model evaluation (abstract the code)
  • Train with PyTorch Lightning
  • Add early stopping



  • Python >=3.8<3.12
  • Poetry >=1.3.0


Clone the repository

git clone [email protected]:leonardcser/pytorch-mlops-license-plate.git

cd pytorch-mlops-license-plate

Install the Python Dev Dependencies

# Install the dependencies
poetry install

# Activate the virtual environment
poetry shell

Install pre-commit

pre-commit install

You can learn more about pre-commit here.

Markdown Linting and Formatting

This repository uses the following VSCode:

  • spell-right for spell checking markdown files.
  • isort for sorting python imports.




CTC Loss



Setup a Self-Hosted Runner with GitHub CI/CD

In this section, you will learn how to run the pipeline on a self-hosted runner with GitHub Actions.

You can find below three different ways of setting up the self-hosted runner with GitHub Actions. We used the third option, as it allows us to use a GPU machine.

Manual Setup

To set up the self-hosted runner manually, you can use CML. CML allows you to setup a self-hosted runner on any machine.

To use CML, you first need to install CML on the machine you would like to use as a self-hosted runner. You can find the installation instructions on the CML documentation.

You can then run the following command to start the runner:

cml runner launch \
  --repo=<repository url>, \
  --token=<github personal access token>, \
  --labels=cml-runner-gpu, \

Note: Replace the <repository url> and <github personal access token> with the appropriate values.

With Docker

You can also run the CML runner in a Docker image in order to avoid installing CML, and all the dependencies, on the machine.

Build and Run the Docker image
docker-compose up --build

With Kubernetes

Finally, you can also run the CML runner in a Kubernetes Pod. This is the method we used in this project.

Create a secret
echo -n "Enter the personal access token: " &&
  read -s ACCESS_TOKEN && \
    kubectl create secret generic gh-pat-secret --from-literal=personal_access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN

This command does the following:

  • Uses the read command to read the personal access token from the terminal so that it is not stored in the shell history.
  • Uses the kubectl create secret command to create a secret named gh-pat-secret with the personal access token.
  • Uses the unset command to unset the ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable.

Note: Replace <personal access token> with your GitHub personal access token.

Create the Kubernetes Pod
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/cml-runner.yml

This command create a Kubernetes Pod named cml-runner with the label cml-runner-gpu.

Run the Pipeline on a Self-Hosted Runner with CI/CD

Now that you have a self-hosted runner, you can run the pipeline on it.

The workflow is the following:

  • You make changes to
  • You commit the changes
  • You push the changes to GitHub
  • CML detects the changes
  • DVC runs the pipeline
  • CML creates a comment on the commit with the results


Using MLOps with PyTorch to train a Swiss license plate detector





