a cute hook framwork.
still developing, for arm64/IOS now!
ref to: frida-gum and minhook and substrate.
special thanks to frida-gum's
perfect code and modular architecture, frida is aircraft carrier, HookZz is boat.
the power to access registers directly
hook function with
hook function with
hook address(a piece of code) with
(almost)only one instruction to hook(i.e.hook short funciton, even only one instruction)
runtime code patch, without codesign limit
it's cute
Move to HookZz Getting Started
Move to HookFrameworkDesign.md
Read It Carefully!
#include "hookzz.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int (*orig_printf)(const char * restrict format, ...);
int fake_printf(const char * restrict format, ...) {
puts("call printf");
char *stack[16];
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
memcpy(stack, args, 8 * 16);
// how to hook variadic function? fake a original copy stack.
// [move to detail-1](http://jmpews.github.io/2017/08/29/pwn/%E7%9F%AD%E5%87%BD%E6%95%B0%E5%92%8C%E4%B8%8D%E5%AE%9A%E5%8F%82%E6%95%B0%E7%9A%84hook/)
// [move to detail-2](https://github.com/jmpews/HookZzModules/tree/master/AntiDebugBypass)
int x = orig_printf(format, stack[0], stack[1], stack[2], stack[3], stack[4], stack[5], stack[6], stack[7], stack[8], stack[9], stack[10], stack[11], stack[12], stack[13], stack[14], stack[15]);
return x;
void printf_pre_call(RegState *rs, ThreadStack *threadstack, CallStack *callstack) {
puts((char *)rs->general.regs.x0);
STACK_SET(callstack, "format", rs->general.regs.x0, char *);
void printf_post_call(RegState *rs, ThreadStack *threadstack, CallStack *callstack) {
if(STACK_CHECK_KEY(callstack, "format")) {
char *format = STACK_GET(callstack, "format", char *);
__attribute__((constructor)) void test_hook_printf()
void *printf_ptr = (void *)printf;
ZzBuildHook((void *)printf_ptr, (void *)fake_printf, (void **)&orig_printf, printf_pre_call, printf_post_call);
ZzEnableHook((void *)printf_ptr);
printf("HookZzzzzzz, %d, %p, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n",1, (void *)2, 3, (char)4, (char)5, (char)6 , 7, 8 , 9);
breakpoint with lldb. Read It Carefully!
(lldb) disass -s 0x1815f61d8 -c 3
0x1815f61d8 <+0>: sub sp, sp, #0x30 ; =0x30
0x1815f61dc <+4>: stp x20, x19, [sp, #0x10]
0x1815f61e0 <+8>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x20]
(lldb) c
Process 41408 resuming
HookZzzzzzz, %d, %p, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d
call printf
HookZzzzzzz, 1, 0x2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
HookZzzzzzz, %d, %p, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d
(lldb) disass -s 0x1815f61d8 -c 3
0x1815f61d8 <+0>: b 0x1795f61d8
0x1815f61dc <+4>: stp x20, x19, [sp, #0x10]
0x1815f61e0 <+8>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x20]
Read It Carefully!
#include "hookzz.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
static void hack_this_function()
#ifdef __arm64__
__asm__("mov X0, #0\n"
"mov w16, #20\n"
"svc #0x80");
static void sorry_to_exit()
#ifdef __arm64__
__asm__("mov X0, #0\n"
"mov w16, #1\n"
"svc #0x80");
void getpid_pre_call(RegState *rs, ThreadStack *threadstack, CallStack *callstack) {
unsigned long request = *(unsigned long *)(&rs->general.regs.x16);
printf("request(x16) is: %ld\n", request);
printf("x0 is: %ld\n", (long)rs->general.regs.x0);
void getpid_half_call(RegState *rs, ThreadStack *threadstack, CallStack *callstack) {
pid_t x0 = (pid_t)(rs->general.regs.x0);
printf("getpid() return at x0 is: %d\n", x0);
__attribute__((constructor)) void test_hook_address()
void *hack_this_function_ptr = (void *)hack_this_function;
ZzBuildHookAddress(hack_this_function_ptr + 8, hack_this_function_ptr + 12, getpid_pre_call, getpid_half_call);
ZzEnableHook((void *)hack_this_function_ptr + 8);
void *sorry_to_exit_ptr = (void *)sorry_to_exit;
unsigned long nop_bytes = 0xD503201F;
ZzRuntimeCodePatch((unsigned long)sorry_to_exit_ptr + 8, (zpointer)&nop_bytes, 4);
printf("hack success -.0\n");
breakpoint with lldb. Read It Carefully!
(lldb) disass -n hack_this_function
0x1000b0280 <+0>: mov x0, #0x0
0x1000b0284 <+4>: mov w16, #0x14
0x1000b0288 <+8>: svc #0x80
0x1000b028c <+12>: ret
(lldb) disass -n sorry_to_exit
0x1000b0290 <+0>: mov x0, #0x0
0x1000b0294 <+4>: mov w16, #0x1
0x1000b0298 <+8>: svc #0x80
0x1000b029c <+12>: ret
(lldb) c
Process 41414 resuming
request(x16) is: 20
x0 is: 0
getpid() return at x0 is: 41414
hack success -.0
(lldb) disass -n hack_this_function
0x1000b0280 <+0>: mov x0, #0x0
0x1000b0284 <+4>: mov w16, #0x14
0x1000b0288 <+8>: b 0x1001202cc
0x1000b028c <+12>: ret
(lldb) disass -n sorry_to_exit
0x1000b0290 <+0>: mov x0, #0x0
0x1000b0294 <+4>: mov w16, #0x1
0x1000b0298 <+8>: nop
0x1000b029c <+12>: ret
now only for arm64/ios
λ : >>> make -f darwin.ios.mk darwin.ios
generate [src/allocator.o]!
generate [src/interceptor.o]!
generate [src/memory.o]!
generate [src/stack.o]!
generate [src/thread.o]!
generate [src/trampoline.o]!
generate [src/platforms/posix/thread-posix.o]!
generate [src/platforms/darwin/memory-darwin.o]!
generate [src/platforms/arm64/reader.o]!
generate [src/platforms/arm64/relocator-arm64.o]!
generate [src/platforms/arm64/thunker-arm64.o]!
generate [src/platforms/arm64/writer-arm64.o]!
generate [src/zzdeps/darwin/macho-utils-darwin.o]!
generate [src/zzdeps/darwin/memory-utils-darwin.o]!
generate [src/zzdeps/common/memory-utils-common.o]!
generate [src/zzdeps/posix/memory-utils-posix.o]!
generate [src/zzdeps/posix/thread-utils-posix.o]!
build success for arm64(IOS)!
λ : >>> make -f darwin.ios.mk test
build success for arm64(IOS)!
build [test_hook_oc.dylib] success for arm64(ios)!
build [test_hook_address.dylib] success for arm64(ios)!
build [test] success for arm64(IOS)!