This project is for the class presentation(Big Data Cases Analysis,ZUEL,2022-Spring).
Developer: Ye.S
project structure:
assets: store some static files such as images, css style sheets and the ML model
callbacks: define some callback functions
models: data and some useful api
views: define the layout of all pages
source_code_of_ML_models: source code we used in model training index page and startup file define some details of the Dash app
paper.pdf: brief introduction of our project some small tools to process data
requirements.txt: list the packages and their versions we used in this project
(The following instructions apply to Posix/bash. Windows users should check here.)
First, clone this repository and open a terminal, such as Powershell.
Create and activate a new virtual environment (recommended, and our developing Python version in this project: 3.7.12) , and run the following:
python -m venv myvenv
Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the app:
Open a browser at (or other ports)
If you add some new packages to the project, please remember use pip to generate the 'requirements.txt' again (when you use the virtual environment).
pip freeze > requirements.txt
- The folder 'callbacks' is a supplement of 'views', we just withdraw some callbacks functions from 'views', to make the file appear simple and explict
- Documentation 1:(数据科学学习手札123)Python+Dash快速web应用开发
- Documentation 2: feffery-antd-components official documentation