WeatherKit is a python pacakge that provides a simple interface to get weather data without any API key or any other credentials. It is a simple and easy to use package that provides the current weather data of any location in the world. It can get weather details from address, city, country, or latitude and longitude of the location.
Currently it Provies the following weather details for current time and forecast for 7 days:
- Temperature ☀️
- Humidity 💧
- Wind Speed 💨
- Weather Code ⛅️
- Precipitation ☔️
The easy way to get WeatherKit is from pip:
pip install weatherkit
geopy - For getting latitude and longitude of the location if the location is given in address or city format.
Download the source code by cloning the repository or by clicking here
git clone
cd weatherkit
Build the package using the following command:
python sdist bdist_wheel
Install the package using the following command:
pip install dist/*.whl
Documentation is available at WeatherKit Documentation
Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! just fork the repository, make changes and create a pull request.
WeatherKit is distributed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.