Target users based on their NFT collections and empower Web3 platforms with innovative monetization solutions.
Digital advertising in the Web3 space faces significant challenges due to the decentralized nature of the ecosystem and the unique attributes of its users. While NFTs have become a powerful representation of users' interests, achievements, and preferences, the current advertising models fail to leverage this data effectively.
- Lack of Precise Targeting: Traditional Web2 models are ineffective in the privacy-focused Web3 environment, where cookie-based tracking is obsolete.
- Limited Monetization for Web3 Platforms: Free content platforms struggle to monetize while maintaining their decentralized ethos.
- User Privacy Concerns: Many advertising solutions compromise privacy, deterring Web3 users from engaging.
We introduce QliQ, a Web3 Ad Network that leverages NFT metadata to enable targeted advertising, providing advertisers, publishers, and users with a seamless, privacy-respecting solution.
- NFT-Based Targeting: Advertisers can create campaigns that target users based on their NFT collections, ensuring highly relevant and personalized ads.
- Smart Revenue Models for Publishers: Web3 content platforms can monetize without disrupting the user experience.
- Privacy-Preserving: Built on Web3 principles, the platform respects user privacy while maintaining advertising efficacy.
This project uses the following technologies:
- JavaScript
- React
- Tailwind CSS
- Metamask Integration
- Express.js
- Hardhat
- Ether.js
- IPFS (InterPlanetary File System)
Blockchain and Smart Contracts:
- Solidity
- ThirdWeb
- Sepolia Testnet
During the development of QliQ, we came across a few challenges that we had to overcome:
High Gas Prices:
Running transactions on the blockchain came with high gas fees, so we had to optimize the contract interactions to minimize costs. -
Web3 RPC Provider Issue:
The Web3 RPC provider didn’t work with Ethers.js version 6, so we had to downgrade to an earlier version to make it compatible. -
Accessing NFT Data from Wallets:
We had issues retrieving NFT data from user wallets, as there were inconsistencies in how the data was provided. -
Accessing IPFS Data:
Retrieving and displaying data stored on IPFS using CIDs (Content Identifiers) was challenging due to delays and integration issues.
Here are all the screenshots of the website: