This HTTP/REST Client is based on Promises to avoid the Callback Hell โ ๏ธ and the Pyramid of doom ๐ฉ working with Coroutines in Unity ๐ฎ, example:
var api = "";
RestClient.GetArray<Post>(api + "/posts", (err, res) => {
RestClient.GetArray<Todo>(api + "/todos", (errTodos, resTodos) => {
RestClient.GetArray<User>(api + "/users", (errUsers, resUsers) => {
//Missing validations to catch errors!
But working with Promises we can improve our code, yay! ๐
RestClient.GetArray<Post>(api + "/posts").Then(response => {
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog ("Success", JsonHelper.ArrayToJson<Post>(response, true), "Ok");
return RestClient.GetArray<Todo>(api + "/todos");
}).Then(response => {
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog ("Success", JsonHelper.ArrayToJson<Todo>(response, true), "Ok");
return RestClient.GetArray<User>(api + "/users");
}).Then(response => {
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog ("Success", JsonHelper.ArrayToJson<User>(response, true), "Ok");
}).Catch(err => EditorUtility.DisplayDialog ("Error", err.Message, "Ok"));
- Works out of the box ๐
- Supports HTTPS/SSL
- Built on top of UnityWebRequest system
- Includes JSON serialization with JsonUtility (Other tools are supported!)
- Get Arrays Supported
- Default HTTP Methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD)
- Generic REQUEST method to create any http request
- Based on Promises for a better asynchronous programming. Learn about Promises here!
- Handle HTTP exceptions in a better way
- Retry HTTP requests easily
- Open Source ๐ฆ
The UnityWebRequest system supports most Unity platforms:
- All versions of the Editor and Standalone players
- WebGL
- Mobile platforms: iOS, Android
- Universal Windows Platform (RSG.Promise_standard.dll is required)
- PS4 and PSVita
- XboxOne
- HoloLens
- Nintendo Switch
Do you want to see this beautiful package in action? Download the demo here
Download and install the .unitypackage file of the latest release published here.
Other option is download this package from NuGet with Visual Studio or using the nuget-cli, a NuGet.config file is required at the root of your Unity Project, for example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="repositoryPath" value="./Assets/Packages" />
The package to search for is Proyecto26.RestClient.
The default methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD) are:
RestClient.Get("").Then(response => {
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Response", response.Text, "Ok");
RestClient.Post("", newPost).Then(response => {
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Status", response.StatusCode.ToString(), "Ok");
RestClient.Put("", updatedPost).Then(response => {
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Status", response.StatusCode.ToString(), "Ok");
RestClient.Delete("").Then(response => {
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Status", response.StatusCode.ToString(), "Ok");
RestClient.Head("").Then(response => {
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Status", response.StatusCode.ToString(), "Ok");
And we have a generic method to create any type of request:
RestClient.Request(new RequestHelper {
Uri = "",
Method = "POST",
Timeout = 10,
Headers = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "Authorization", "Bearer JWT_token..." }
Body = newPhoto, //Serialize object using JsonUtility by default
BodyString = SerializeObject(newPhoto), //Use it instead of 'Body' to serialize using other tools
BodyRaw = CompressToRawData(newPhoto), //Use it instead of 'Body' to send raw data directly
FormData = new WWWForm(), //Send files, etc with POST requests
SimpleForm = new Dictionary<string, string> {}, //Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
FormSections = new List<IMultipartFormSection>() {}, //Content-Type: multipart/form-data
CertificateHandler = new CustomCertificateHandler(), //Included in the source code of this library
UploadHandler = new UploadHandlerRaw(bytes), //Send bytes directly if it's required
DownloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerFile(destPah), //Download large files
ContentType = "application/json", //JSON is used by default
Retries = 3, //Number of retries
RetrySecondsDelay = 2, //Seconds of delay to make a retry
RetryCallback = (err, retries) => {}, //See the error before retrying the request
EnableDebug = true, //See logs of the requests for debug mode
IgnoreHttpException = true, //Prevent to catch http exceptions
ChunkedTransfer = false,
UseHttpContinue = true,
RedirectLimit = 32
}).Then(response => {
//Get resources via downloadHandler to have more control!
Texture texture = ((DownloadHandlerTexture)response.Request.downloadHandler).texture;
AudioClip audioClip = ((DownloadHandlerAudioClip)response.Request.downloadHandler).audioClip;
AssetBundle assetBundle = ((DownloadHandlerAssetBundle)response.Request.downloadHandler).assetBundle;
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Status", response.StatusCode.ToString(), "Ok");
With all the methods we have the possibility to indicate the type of response, in the following example we're going to create a class and the HTTP requests to load JSON data easily:
public class User
public int id;
public string name;
public string username;
public string email;
public string phone;
public string website;
var usersRoute = "";
RestClient.Get<User>(usersRoute + "/1").Then(firstUser => {
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("JSON", JsonUtility.ToJson(firstUser, true), "Ok");
- GET Array (JsonHelper is an extension to manage arrays)
RestClient.GetArray<User>(usersRoute).Then(allUsers => {
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("JSON Array", JsonHelper.ArrayToJsonString<User>(allUsers, true), "Ok");
Also we can create different classes for custom responses:
public class CustomResponse
public int id;
RestClient.Post<CustomResponse>(usersRoute, newUser).Then(customResponse => {
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("JSON", JsonUtility.ToJson(customResponse, true), "Ok");
RestClient.Put<CustomResponse>(usersRoute + "/1", updatedUser).Then(customResponse => {
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("JSON", JsonUtility.ToJson(customResponse, true), "Ok");
HTTP Headers, such as Authorization
, can be set in the DefaultRequestHeaders object for all requests
RestClient.DefaultRequestHeaders["Authorization"] = "Bearer ...";
Also we can add specific options and override default headers for a request
var currentRequest = new RequestHelper {
Uri = "",
Headers = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "Authorization", "Other token..." }
RestClient.GetArray<Photo>(currentRequest).Then(response => {
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Header", currentRequest.GetHeader("Authorization"), "Ok");
And we can know the status of the request and cancel it!
currentRequest.UploadProgress; //The progress by uploading data to the server
currentRequest.UploadedBytes; //The number of bytes of body data the system has uploaded
currentRequest.DownloadProgress; //The progress by downloading data from the server
currentRequest.DownloadedBytes; //The number of bytes of body data the system has downloaded
currentRequest.Abort(); //Abort the request manually
Later we can clean the default headers for all requests
- Unity as Client
public class ServerResponse {
public string id;
public string date; //DateTime is not supported by JsonUtility
public class User {
public string firstName;
public string lastName;
RestClient.Post<ServerResponse>("", new User {
firstName = "Juan David",
lastName = "Nicholls Cardona"
}).Then(response => {
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("ID: ",, "Ok");
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Date: ",, "Ok");
- NodeJS as Backend (Using Express)'/', function(req, res) {
id: 123,
date: new Date()
Juan Nicholls | Diego Ossa | Nasdull |
- Promises library for C#: Real Serious Games/C-Sharp-Promise
I believe in Unicorns ๐ฆ Support me, if you do too.
Hey mate, any good review from the Unity Store is also really appreciated!
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