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Standard Methods

sullo edited this page Mar 18, 2021 · 2 revisions

Several standard methods are defined in nikto_core.plugin that can be used for all plugins. It is strongly advised that these should be used where possible instead of writing new methods.

For some methods, such as add_vulnerability which write to global variables, these must be the only interface to those global variables.

array change_variables(line);
string line

Expands any variables in the line parameter. The expansions are variables defined in the global array @VARIABLES, which may be read from db_variables, or added by reconnaisance plugin methods.

int is_404(uri, content, HTTPcode);
string uri
string content
string HTTPcode

Makes a guess whether the result is a real web page or an error page. As several web servers are badly configured and don't return HTTP 404 codes when a page isn't found, Nikto attempts to look for common error pages. Returns 1 if the page looks like an error.

string get_ext(uri);
string uri

Attempts to work out the extension of the uri. Will return the extension or the special cases: DIRECTORY, DOTFILE, NONE.

string date_disp();

Returns the current time in a human readable format (YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)

string rm_active(content)
string content

Attempts to remove active content (e.g. dates, adverts etc.) from a page. Returns a filtered version of the content.

string get_banner(mark);
hashref mark

Pulls the web servers banner. This is automatically performed for all targets before a mark is passed to the plugin.

string HTTPcode

Checks the HTTPresponse against known "found" responses. TRUE indicates that the request was probably successful.

string HTTPCode, string content nfetch(mark, uri, method, content, headers, flags, testid);
hashref mark
string uri
string method
string content
hashref headers
hashref flags
string testid

Makes a simple request through libwhisker with the passed parameters. nfetch is hook aware and will cause all requests to be passed through the prefetch and postfetch hooks.

The flags hash is a selection of flags that may modify the behaviour of the request. The current flags are defined:

Key Description
noclean Tells nfetch not to perform sanity checks on the structure. Normally requests will be checked to ensure that a valid Host header is included and that the Content-Length header matches the size of any content, setting this flag prevents the checks
noprefetch Tells nfetch not to run the prefetch hook.
nopostfetch Tells nfetch not to run the postfetch hook.
noerror Tells nfetch not to report error responses from the request.
hashref setup_hash(requesthash, mark;
hashref requesthash
hashref mark

Sets up up a libwhisker hash with the normal Nikto variables. This should be used if any custom calls to libwhisker are used.

string char_escape(line);
string line

Escapes any characters within line.

array parse_csv(text);
string text

Breaks a line of CSV text into an array of items.

arrayref init_db(dbname);
string dbname

Initializes a database that is in PLUGINDIR and returns an arrayref. The arrayref is to an array of hashrefs, each hash member is configured by the first line in the database file, for example:


This will result in an array of hashrefs with parameters:

void add_vulnerability(mark, message, nikto_id, osvdb, method, uri, data);
hashref mark
string message
string nikto_id
string osvdb
string method
string uri
string data

Adds a vulnerability for the mark, displays it to standard out and sends it to any reporting plugins.

void nprint(message, display);
string message
string display

Prints message to standard out. Display specifies a filter for the message, currently this can be "v" for verbose and "d" for debug output.