Allows for one-step creation of an automatically updated local yum/dnf RPM repository for splunk-enterprise and splunk-universal-fowarder RPM packages, allowing these packages to be kept up to date in your environment without having to check and download from each time.
This repository contains scripts/cronjobs/repo-definitions to:
- create/host a YUM repository
- perform nightly downloads of splunk-universal-forwarder and splunk-enterprise packages to that repository
This basically lets you create a local Splunk YUM repo of the two main splunk RPM packages available from
Specifically, this creates a nightly-updating Splunk repo for:
- splunk-enterprise - this is the splunk package that installs the main splunk enteprise software
- splunk-universal-forwarder - this is the splunk package that installs the splunk universal forwarder software
This makes it possible to manage Splunk installs using yum/dnf, rather than having to manually download an RPM from each time just to apply an update.