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Nuxt Universal (SSR) Deployment Guide

A basic guide on how to deploy Nuxt.js Universal (SSR) app on a Vultr server.

Step 1: Create new server on Vultr

  1. Create new server Choose Cloud Compute

  2. Server Location: Sydney

  3. Server type: Debian 10 x64

  4. Server Size: 25 GB SSD $5/mo

  5. Add SSH key: In terminal cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy and then select not to ask for password on login

  6. Deploy

Step 2: Connecting and setting up server via SSH

  1. When it's done, you'll need to copy the server IP
  • switch back to your terminal and run ssh root@SERVER_IP
  • replace SERVER_IP with whatever the ip is for example ssh [email protected]
  1. First thing, make sure the software is up to date
  • Run apt update then
  • Run apt upgrade
  1. Add security
  • To protect your server from randoms brute force logging in run apt install fail2ban
  1. Install Nodejs
  • Run apt install nodejs
  • When that's done run node -v and check that it tells you a version, like 10.x

Note: If modules dependencies require newer versions (i.e. 16.x.x of node use nvm to download and manage node:

  1. Install Yarn
  • Run apt install yarnpkg
  • Running yarn -v will throw error, that's because on debian yarn is called yarnpkg so we'll fix that by linking it
  • Check where its install which yarnpkg should return: /usr/bin/yarnpkg
  • run ln -s /usr/bin/yarnpkg /usr/local/bin/yarn that's saying to create a yarn which links to yarnpkg
  • if that worked, you can now try yarn -v and confirm it's working: 1.13.0

Note: If using nvm install yarn with the below:

  1. Install Git
  • Run apt install git

Step 3: Check your shh config

  1. In a local terminal window cd ~/.ssh/ and look for config
  2. nano config and check Host * has ForwardAgent yes :
Host *
 AddKeysToAgent yes
 UseKeychain yes
 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
 ForwardAgent yes

  ForwardAgent yes

This means that if you ssh in to your server, you can access your github repo from there.

Note: Make sure your connecting to GitHub via SSH by running ssh -T [email protected] locally. If its denied make sure to add your SSH Key to Github first.

Step 4: Installing Apache on the server

  1. Run apt install apache2

Note: Apache isn't being used just yet we'll set apache up to connect your domain name and then proxy to your nuxt server

Step 5: Connect server to git and clone repo

  1. Run cd /var/www which is kinda like your Sites directory
  2. Run git clone [email protected]:your_github_name/your_repo.git for example git clone [email protected]:studiolathe/ebb-dunedin.git
  3. Don't forget to manually create your .env on the server

Note: If setting up staging branch, make sure to clone staging branch git clone <url> --branch <branch> --single-branch [<folder>] i.e git clone [email protected]:studiolathe/flavedo-albedo.git --branch staging --single-branch flavedo-albedo-staging

Step 6: Get your project running on the server

  1. Cd into the project and then run yarn install which will install all the project dependancies
  2. Then we just yarn run build and then yarn start --hostname
  3. In order to have the Nuxt server running in the background we need to add yarn global add pm2 and then run pm2 start "yarn start --hostname"

Note: If setting up staging branch, make sure to run seperate PM2 instance pm2 start "yarn start --hostname --port 3001"

Step 7: Create your deploy script in the local project folder

  1. Create a file in the root of your project call scripts/ and add the below, be sure to change to the your server IP:
#!/usr/bin/env sh


ssh $USER@$HOST /bin/bash <<EOF
  git fetch
  git reset --hard origin/master
  yarn install
  yarn run build
  pm2 restart all
  1. Make the script executable (in your command line) chmod +x ./scripts/

Step 8: Point your new IP to domain

  1. Create a file in the root of your project nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/project-folder.conf
# Production
<VirtualHost *:80>

	DocumentRoot /var/www/project-folder/dist

	ProxyPass / http://localhost:3000/
	ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:3000/

# Staging
<VirtualHost *:80>

	DocumentRoot /var/www/flavedo-albedo-staging/dist

	ProxyPass / http://localhost:3001/
	ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:3001/
  1. Then enable with a2ensite project-folder
  2. Setup proxies a2enmod proxy proxy_http
  3. Restart server systemctl restart apache2
  4. In the domain providers DNS, create a new A record and point it at the new IP address and another A record with www as host that points to @ 6 Check updated DNS via

Note: If reciving timeout errors it may be due to server firewalls. Run apt purge ufw and manage firewall via Vult UI.

Step 9: Add SSL certificate

  1. Add certbot apt install -y python3-certbot-apache
  2. Then run certbot --apache
  3. Tell it to get a cert for both www and the normal domain
  4. Say yes to enabling https redirect

Step 10: Deploy your site

  1. After pushing changes to git run ./scripts/ from the local project folder and watch it go!


How to deploy Nuxt.js Universal (SSR) app on Vultr






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