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testing; stable enough, but may have minor bugs;


via Composer:

composer require streltcov/yandex-geocoder

Basic usage

Performs request to Yandex Geocoder and provides fluent interface for GeoObject selection

Getting all results found in geocollection:


use streltcov\YandexUtils\GeoCoder;

// returns array of GeoObjects (numeration begins from 0)
$response = GeoCoder::search($address)->all();

Getting single GeoObject:


use streltcov\YandexUtils\GeoCoder;

// returns first instance if number is not specified
$geoobject = GeoCoder::search($address)->one();

// returns GeoObject with specified number (numeration from 0)
$geoobject = GeoCoder::search($address)->one(1);
// returns 5 element in geoobjects array
$response = GeoCoder::search($address)->one(5);

Getting GeoObject with exact precision:

// exact()
// returns GeoObject with precision property set to exact
$response = GeoCoder::search($address)->exact();

// searching geocontext with coordinates
// will return first instance in geoobjects array
$response = GeoCoder::searchPoint($coordinates)->one();

// parameters:
// may be set globally by GeoCoder methods setLocality, setKind and SetSkip
// or in array for single request
// skip parameter:
GeoCoder::setSkip(10); // setting globally for all requests
$response = GeoCoder::search($address)->all(); // will skip first 10 results and return next 10
$response = GeoCoder::search($address, ['skip' => 10])->all(); // the same for single request

// parameters 'skip' and 'lang' will be used in both cases (searching address or coordinates)
// parameter 'kind' will be applied only for point coordinates;


Three parameters available - skip, kind and locality

  • skip:
    • Normally returns several (up to 10) results with different precision (for example, "exact", "number" or "street" etc.)
  • locality:
  • kind:

Parameters can be set globally (for all requests) or locally (for single request)

Public methods


Static methods:

  • search(string $address)
    • search requested address without parameters and returns GeoCollection
  • searchPoint(string $coordinates, array $parameters = null)
    • search requested coordinates and returns GeoCollection
    • parameters: 'kind', 'skip', 'lang'
  • setLocality(string $locality)
    • sets global language parameter
  • setSkip(int $skip)
    • sets global parameter 'skip'
  • setKind(string $kind)
    • sets global parameter 'kind' (parameter ignored while requesting address)



  • exact()
    • returns GeoObject with "exact" precision (if exists in collection); else returns null
  • one(int $index = null)
    • returns GeoObject with requested id (index in array); returns first instance with null parameter
  • all()
    • returns array of GeoObjects (numerated from 0)

Geo objects selection fluent interface:

  • select(array $parameters)
    • filters geoobjects by kind and/or id (index in array)
  • find($substring)
    • filters geoobjects using substring (search matches in GeoObject properties)


  • isExact()
    • returns true if current precision is exact; false if not
  • getKind()
    • returns string
  • getPrecision()
    • returns string
  • getName()
    • returns string
  • getDescription()
    • returns string
  • getAddress()
    • returns string
  • getCoordinates()
    • returns string
  • getPostalCode()
    • returns string or null
  • getCountry()
    • returns string
  • getCountryCode()
    • returns string
  • getProvince()
    • returns string or null
  • getLocality()
    • returns string or null
  • getStreet()
    • returns string or null
  • getPoint()
    • returns array containing upper and lower corner coordinates
  • getData()
    • returns array of geoobject public properties

Available parameter values:


    (other values will be ignored)


    'RU' => russian
    'US' => english (american)
    'EN' => english
    'UA' => ukrainian
    'BY' => belorussian
    'TR' => turkish
    (other values will be ignored)


// the following request will set locale to en_US, skip first 5 results, return GeoObjects with kind = metro and
// select objects with indexes 0, 1 and 2
$response = GeoCoder::searchPoint($coordinates, ['kind'=> 'metro', 'skip' => 5, 'lang' => 'US'])
->select(['id' => [0, 1, 2]])