Beets is a qt-based application that allows both high power level programmers and those just starting out to quickly set up and run tests on their software
BEETS is targeted to mostly smaller projects where unit testing could become tedious. However, that doesn't mean it can't scale up to larger projects. BEETS is the product of the experience of a 1st year computer science major who built many projects where unit testing would have taken too long to set up and would thusly would not be worth the time spent. In this academic front, BEETS facilitates students writing their own tests, instead of relying soley on the test cases that they are provided.
With a busy schedule and other projects to work on, there are several desirable features which I have not yet been implemented. Such as:
- Multiproccessing
- Running the tests simultaneiously over several logical CPU cores to increase performance
- Mult-Language Support
- It would be nice to come up with a way to run Java and Python programs. BEETS was orignally wirtten to support C/C++ derived executables
- Of course the README could use more work
- A method of distribution
- QT is a large library and it would be nice to get some help with coming up with a way to nicely distirbute BEETS that doesn't require a huge download and is easy enough that someone not very expeirenced could manage the install.