An Angular range slider with accessibility. It only supports horizontal mode with one handle. As for now I'm not going to implement vertical mode or two handles as I don't need them.
This should work in IE9+ (And ofc any real browser like Chrome or FF). Also tested on iOS and Android 4.4 & 6
- Model binding
- Min
- Max
- Step
- Dragging the handle
- Touch supported dragging
- Clicking the bar to goto value
- No need to redraw on hide/show or resize
- Aria attributes for a11y
- Keyboard support for a11y
Include the script on the site
<script src="./distribute/slider.js"></script>
Add the chasselberg.slider
module to your Angular app
angular.module('', ['chasselberg.slider']);
Add sliders to your views
<slider model="sliderValue" step="2" min="0" max="100"></slider>
Include the slider.scss
in your main SCSS file using
@import "slider.scss"
You can define the following variables BEFORE you include slider.scss
$ch-slider-bar-height: 10px;
$ch-slider-bar-radius: 10px;
$ch-slider-bar-color: grey;
$ch-slider-handle-height: 20px;
$ch-slider-handle-width: 20px;
$ch-slider-handle-color: blue;
$ch-slider-handle-radius: 9999px;
$ch-slider-fill-color: green;
$ch-slider-disabled-color: grey;
$ch-slider-disabled-fill-color: black;
If you don't want to use the SCSS file you can instead include the css file in your HTML
<link href="./distribute/slider.css" rel="stylesheet">