Version 1
This release contains significant performance and stability improvements for rTorrent.
- The software will now build successfully with LTO for better performance.
- The software will no longer frequently crash or leak large amounts of memory.
- The SCGI request size is higher to support tens of thousands of torrents.
- The software will start up in a few seconds with thousands of torrents.
- UDNS support is added to allow seeding torrents with UDP trackers.
- The software CPU usage is reduced to allow higher levels of throughput.
- The software will no longer corrupt torrent information on a sudden failure.
- Failed IPV6 handling is removed for TCP trackers for compatibility with both IPV4 and IPV6.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved xmlrpc crash when trying to queue an invalid task.
- Resolved critical memory leak with rpc commands.
- Resolved stack overflow for lockfile buffer.
- Increased max SCGI request size to 16MB to accommodate more torrents.
- Sync bencode data to avoid risk of corrupt session files on power loss.
- Remove IPV6 handling of TCP trackers due to issues and lack of support.
- Delay tracker scrapping on startup for instant start and no crashing.
- Cache scanf results for UDP announce strings to avoid perf and crash issues.
- Simplify updating queue entries for both libtorrent and rtorrent.
- Add UDNS for support for UDP trackers for stability and performance reasons.
- Optimize code paths for few second start ups with thousands of torrents.
- Optimize block size on download delegator for reduced CPU usage.
- Resolved ODR and ZLIB conflicts with LTO building.