I18n translation spawner (ITS) addresses the issue of having to add translation keys to multiple translation files
manually as you develop an app.
Whenever I18n::MissingTranslationData exception is caught, ITS tries to add a new key into your translation file,
generates new translation for it and does it within all locales you have defined in your app.
Nothing fancy, just add gem 'i18n_translation_spawner'
and run bundle install
Then add following line in an initializer, (e.g. /config/initializers/i18n.rb)
I18n.exception_handler = I18n::TranslationSpawner.new
There is a number customizations possible to achieve with ITS
If you want some keys being translated in a specific way, you can add those to default_translations
translations_spawner = I18n::TranslationSpawner.new
translations_spawner.default_translations = {"new.button_submit" => "Create",
"edit.button_submit" => "Save changes",
"save" => {"en-GB" => "Save", "nb-NO" => "Lagre" }}
I18n.exception_handler = translations_spawner
Then for instance the following key customer.new.button_submit
will be automatically assigned with translation of “Create”
By default ITS humanizes the last part of key (“link_new_candidate” becomes “Link new candidate”).
If you want to automatically strip some of prefixes before humanization occurs, specify those in removable_prefixes
translations_spawner = I18n::TranslationSpawner.new
translations_spawner.removable_prefixes = %w(link table_header label header)
I18n.exception_handler = translations_spawner
Then for instance the following key customer.new.link_new_candidate
will be automatically assigned with translation of “New candidate”
As easy as
translations_spawner = I18n::TranslationSpawner.new
translations_spawner.skip_locales =["nb-NO"]
I18n.exception_handler = translations_spawner
For instance, you can try handling translations to different languages automatically.
Note, that this code is not super-duper-awesome. It just shows the basic how-to
translations_spawner = I18n::TranslationSpawner.new
require "net/http"
require "json"
require "iconv"
translations_spawner.key_translations_handler = lambda do |key, locale, spawner|
default = spawner.default_translation_for_key(key, locale)
source_language = 'en'
target_language = locale.split('-').first.downcase
target_language = case target_language
when 'nb' then
json_string = Net::HTTP.get('translate.google.pl', "/translate_a/t?client=t&text=#{default}&hl=#{target_language}&sl=#{source_language}&tl=#{target_language}&multires=1&otf=1&ssel=0&tsel=0&sc=1").gsub(/,{2,}/, ',')
ic = Iconv.new('UTF-8//IGNORE', 'UTF-8')
valid_string = ic.iconv(json_string)
return JSON.parse(valid_string).flatten.first
I18n.exception_handler = translations_spawner
If you have more complex structure of yaml files placement, you can always add some custom logic for it.
In this example, the first part of key can be a directory name, and in case of no directory with that name, it can be a file name.
If the directory is found, the second part of key is the file name within it (imagine having files like common.en-GB.yml
and customer/common.en-GB.yml
translations_spawner = I18n::TranslationSpawner.new
translations_spawner.file_path_decoder = lambda do |key, locale, _|
tokens = key.to_s.split('.')
file_path_tokens = if File.file?(File.join(Rails.root, 'config', 'locales', tokens.first, "#{tokens.second}.#{locale.to_s}.yml"))
elsif File.file?(File.join(Rails.root, 'config', 'locales', "#{tokens.first}.#{locale.to_s}.yml"))
raise I18n::TranslationSpawner::CannotDecodeTranslationFilePath unless file_path_tokens
File.join(Rails.root, "config/locales", *file_path_tokens)+".#{locale.to_s}.yml"
I18n.exception_handler = translations_spawner
If you have some custom translation inheritance mechanism that is based on catching I18n::MissingTranslationData, you can always
incorporate it as well. In this case, the prefix is being stripped and translating re-attempted before re-raising an exception.
translations_spawner = I18n::TranslationSpawner.new
translations_spawner.exception_handler = lambda do |exception, locale, key, spawner, options|
if exception.is_a?(I18n::MissingTranslationData) and %w(customer admin).include?(key.to_s.split('.').first)
I18n.translate((key.to_s.split('.')[1..-1].join('.')), options.merge({:raise => true})) rescue spawner.handle_exception(exception, locale, key, options)
spawner.handle_exception(exception, locale, key, options)
I18n.exception_handler = translations_spawner