require Node version > 8.0.0
const PartialUpload = require('koa-partial-upload')
const Router = require('koa-router')
const router = Router()'/upload', PartialUpload({
uploadDir: './tmp',
maxFileSize: 200 * 1024 * 1024
}), async ctx => {
if (!ctx.request.files) {
// not multipart upload
} else if (ctx.request.files.file.partial) {
// a partial file segment
// console.log(ctx.request.body.trunks)
// console.log(ctx.request.body.eot)
} else {
// a single uplaod or merged upload
// file.size is the merged size
curl -F "[email protected]" -F "imei=222222222" -F "hash=my_key" -F "trunks=1" http://localhost:3001/log/upload
curl -F "[email protected]" -F "imei=222222222" -F "hash=my_key" -F "trunks=2" -F "eot=1" http://localhost:3001/log/upload
if hash
is not presented, then original filename
will be used as identity