Dockerfile for Ndless SDK, the toolchain to develop C and assembly programs for the TI-Nspire graphing calculator. The official Docker image is old and not maintained so have a try at this "Ndless-docker".
- Installing a toolchain with Docker won't clutter your local environment
- You can use Ndless SDK anywhere Docker runs
- Docker
- Docker Compose
$ git clone
$ cd ndless-docker
$ docker-compose up -d --build
That is all. If the SDK has been installed correctly, you should see some outputs similar to these ones:
make[3]: Leaving directory '/opt/ndless-dev/Ndless/ndless/src/installer-5.2'
make[2]: Leaving directory '/opt/ndless-dev/Ndless/ndless/src'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/opt/ndless-dev/Ndless/ndless'
Removing intermediate container d69c543bbab8
---> 3715a1d66a8f
Successfully built 3715a1d66a8f
Successfully tagged ndless-docker_ndless-dev:latest
Creating ndless-dev ...
Creating ndless-dev ... done
In general, building and installing a cross compiler tends to take a long time. For instance, setting up Ndless SDK with this Dockerfile took 78 minutes on my HP Spectre 13-ae019TU laptop computer.
If you get output messages like the above ones, you can stop the Docker container:
$ docker-compose down
First, make sure that your source files are in ndless-docker/src
on your local storage.
After starting the Docker container with cd ndless-docker && docker-compose up -d
, enter in it with docker-compose exec ndless-dev bash
and do following operations in the container:
# cd /opt/ndless-dev/src
# nspire-tools new "program-name"
Then the toolchain will create a Makefile to build program-name.tns
Next, run make
in the Docker container to build it.
In default settings, your sources have to be in ndless-docker/src
on local.
You can change all configs for the container by modifying docker-compose.yml
Ndless SDK: C and assembly development introduction · ndless-nspire/Ndless Wiki