Simple handler for navigation configuration.
In your terminal, just run:
composer require "stephanecoinon/navigation":"dev-master"
// Add this code in your controller
use Coinon\Navigation\Navigation;
// Describe the navigation items
// Ideally, you should load this from a configuration file
// Each item can define the following keys:
// title: (mandatory) title to display on the link
// slug: (optional) if omitted, the package will slugify the title
// active: (optional) flag to say whether the item is the
// currently active one, true by default
// url: (optional) absolute URL or URL relative to the
// base URL passed to constructor.
// Using the slug by default
$navConfiguration = [
['title' => 'Home'],
['title' => 'About us'],
'title' => 'Contact us',
'slug' => 'contact', // will be used for URL in this case
// The base URL in second argument is optional
$navigation = new Navigation($navConfiguration, '');
// Flag the active item by slug
// then pass $navigations to your views
// Add this code in your view
<?php foreach ($navigation->all() as $navItem): ?>
<li <?=$navItem->isActive() ? 'class="active"' : '' ?>>
<a href="<?=$navItem->url ?>"><?=$navItem->title ?></a>
<?php endforeach; ?>
can handle multiple navigations when you need them for main horizontal menu, side bar, footer navigation...
// Add this code in your controller
use Coinon\Navigation\Navigations; // note the plural
// Ideally, you should load this from a configuration file
$navConfiguration = [
// main navigation
'main' => [
['title' => 'Home'],
['title' => 'About us'],
['title' => 'Contact us'],
// footer navigation
'footer' => [
['title' => 'Contact us'],
'title' => 'Twitter',
'url' => '',
['title' => 'Facebook'],
$navigations = new Navigations($navConfiguration, '');
// then pass $navigations to your views
// Add this code in the view that displays the main navigation
<?php foreach ($navigations->get('main')->all() as $navItem): ?>
<li <?=$navItem->isActive() ? 'class="active"' : '' ?>>
<a href="<?=$navItem->url ?>"><?=$navItem->title ?></a>
<?php endforeach; ?>
// You can access the footer navigation in a similar way using $navigations->get('footer')->all()