ConTrack is a Python package intended to simpify the process of automatically tracking and analyzing synoptic weather features (individual systems or long-term climatology) in weather and climate datasets. This feature-based tool is mostly used to track and characterize the life cycle of atmospheric blocking, but can also be used to identify other type of anomalous features, e.g., upper-level troughs and ridges (storm track). It is built on top of xarray and scipy.
ConTrack is based on the atmospheric blocking index by Schwierz et al. (2004) (written in Fortran) developed at the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich.
See also:
- Scherrer et al. (2005):
- Croci-Maspoli et al. (2007)
- Pfahl et al. (2015)
- Woollings et al. (2018)
- Steinfeld and Pfahl (2019)
- Steinfeld et al. (2020)
- and used in many more atmospheric blocking studies...
The ERA-Interim global blocking climatology based on upper-level potential vorticity used in Steinfeld and Pfahl (2019) is publicly available via an ETH Zurich-based web server [ , see Sprenger et al. (2017)].
Ideally install it in a virtual environment (development version, master).
pip install git+
Make sure you have the required dependencies (for details see docs/environment.yml):
- xarray
- scipy
- pandas
- numpy
- netCDF4
- (for plotting on geographical maps: matplotlib and cartopy)
- (for parallel computing: dask)
Copy/clone locally the latest version from ConTrack:
git clone [email protected]:steidani/ConTrack.git /path/to/local/contrack cd path/to/local/contrack
Prepare the conda environment:
conda create -y -q -n contrack_dev python=3.8.5 pytest conda env update -q -f docs/environment.yml -n contrack_dev
Install contrack in development mode in contrack_dev:
conda activate contrack_dev pip install -e .
Run the tests:
python -m pytest
# import contrack module from contrack import contrack # initiate blocking instance block = contrack() # read ERA5 Z500 (geopotential at 500 hPa) daily global data from 19810101_00 to 20101231_00 with 1° spatial resolution) # downloaded from'data/') block # Out[]: Xarray dataset with 10957 time steps. # Available fields: z # select only winter months January, February and December block.ds = block.ds.sel(time=block.ds.time.dt.month.isin([1, 2, 12])) # xarray.Dataset (and all its functions) can be accessed with block.ds # calculate geopotential height block.calculate_gph_from_gp(gp_name='z', gp_unit='m**2 s**-2', gph_name='z_height') # Hint: Use block.set_up(...) to do consistency check and set (automatically or manually) names of dimension ('time', 'latitude', 'longitude') # calculate Z500 anomaly (temporally smoothed with a 2 d running mean) with respect to the 31-day running mean (long-term: 30 years) climatology block.calc_anom(variable='z_height', smooth=2, window=31, groupby='dayofyear') # Hint: Use 'clim=...' to point towards an existing climatological mean (useful for weather forecasts) # output: variable 'anom'. # Finally, track blocking anticyclones (>=150gmp, 50% overlap twosided, 5 timesteps persistence (here 5 days)) block.run_contrack(variable='anom', threshold=160, gorl='>=', overlap=0.5, persistence=5, twosided=True) # output: variable 'flag'. 440 blocking systems tracked. Each blocking system is identified by a unique flag/ID. block # Out[]: Xarray dataset with 2707 time steps. # Available fields: z, z_height, anom, flag # Hint: In case you want to use a more objective threshold, e.g., the 90th percentile of the Z500 anomaly winter distribution over 50°-80°N, do: # threshold = block['anom'].sel(latitude=slice(80, 50)).quantile([0.90], dim='time').mean() # 177gmp # save to disk block['flag'].to_netcdf('data/') # plotting blocking frequency (in %) for winter over Northern Hemisphere import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as ccrs fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 5), subplot_kw={'projection': ccrs.NorthPolarStereo()}) (xr.where(block['flag']>1,1,0).sum(dim='time')/block.ntime*100).plot(levels=np.arange(2,18,2), cmap='Oranges', extend = 'max', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) (xr.where(block['flag']>1,1,0).sum(dim='time')/block.ntime*100).plot.contour(colors='grey', linewidths=0.8, levels=np.arange(2,18,2), transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax.set_extent([-180, 180, 30, 90], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()); ax.coastlines();
Using the output 'flag' from block.run_contrack() to calculate blocking intensity, size, center of mass, age from genesis to lysis for each tracked feature.
# flag = output of block.run_contrack(), variable = input variable to calculate intensity and center of mass block_df = block.run_lifecycle(flag='flag', variable='anom') # output is a pandas.DataFrame print(block_df) Flag Date Longitude Latitude Intensity Size 0 3 19810101_00 333 48 226.45 6490603.17 1 3 19810102_00 335 47 210.77 6466790.05 2 3 19810103_00 331 47 189.00 4169702.52 3 3 19810104_00 331 49 190.78 3289504.87 4 3 19810105_00 331 50 203.66 4231433.19 ... ... ... ... ... ... 3832 6948 20101221_00 357 -53 206.02 5453454.76 3833 6948 20101222_00 0 -56 208.80 5205585.69 3834 6948 20101223_00 3 -56 190.23 6324017.70 3835 6948 20101224_00 3 -57 214.02 5141693.22 3836 6948 20101225_00 5 -55 211.33 7606108.76 # save result to disk block_df.to_csv('data/block.csv', index=False) # plotting blocking track (center of mass) and genesis f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7,5), subplot_kw=dict(projection=ccrs.NorthPolarStereo())) ax.set_extent([-180, 180, 30, 90], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()); ax.coastlines() ax.coastlines() # add coastlines #need to split each blocking track due to longitude wrapping (jumping at map edge) for bid in np.unique(np.asarray(block_df['Flag'])): #select blocking id lons = np.asarray(block_df['Longitude'].iloc[np.where(block_df['Flag']==bid)]) lats = np.asarray(block_df['Latitude'].iloc[np.where(block_df['Flag']==bid)]) # cosmetic: sometimes there is a gap near map edge where track is split: lons[lons >= 355] = 359.9 lons[lons <= 3] = 0.1 segment = np.vstack((lons,lats)) #move longitude into the map region and split if longitude jumps by more than "threshold" lon0 = 0 #center of map bleft = lon0-0. bright = lon0+360 segment[0,segment[0]> bright] -= 360 segment[0,segment[0]< bleft] += 360 threshold = 180 # CHANGE HERE isplit = np.nonzero(np.abs(np.diff(segment[0])) > threshold)[0] subsegs = np.split(segment,isplit+1,axis=+1) #plot the tracks for seg in subsegs: x,y = seg[0],seg[1] ax.plot(x ,y,c = 'm',linewidth=1, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) #plot the starting points ax.scatter(lons[0],lats[0],s=11,c='m', zorder=10, edgecolor='black', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
I often receive questions about parameter selection for blocking detection. Here's an example description using potential vorticity from 3-hourly ERA5 data:
"We identify blocks as persistent negative potential vorticity (PV) anomalies with the blocking detection method implemented by Steinfeld 2020 ( and adapted from the original index by Schwierz et al. (2004). PV anomalies are calculated as deviations from a climatological 30-day running mean of the analyzed baseline period (1979–2020) and temporally smoothed with a 2-day running mean filter to remove higher-frequency components. The PV fields are vertically averaged between 500-150,hPa. For each time step, we detect atmospheric blocking as 2-D areas below a variable PV intensity threshold defined as the 10$^{th}$ percentile of the PV anomaly distribution over 30$^{circ}$-90$^{circ}$N at each calendar day, which allows for seasonality in the intensity of blocks. To ensure quasi-stationarity and persistence, we applied an 85,% two-sided spatial overlap criterion between the closed contours of successive 3-hourly time steps for at least 5 days."
- bugfix: how flag ID is tracked at periodic boundary.
- run_contrack(threshold): Threshold can now also be a xr.DataArray (1D) with time = 'dayofyear' to allow for variable threshold.
- bugfix: see Issue calc_clim error.
- first release on pypi
- calculate anomalies based on pre-defined climatology:
. - better handling of dimensions using
function. - twosided or forward overlap criterion:
. run_lifecycle()
: temporal evolution of intensity, spatial extent, center of mass and age from genesis to lysis for individual features.
- Extended functionality: Calculate anomalies from daily or monthly or seasonal... (long-term) climatology with moving average window:
calc_anom(groupby=..., window=...)