- Browser-based Memory game
- Project created as part of the Udacity Front-End Developer Nanodegree.
- Convert the static, non-interactive Starter Code given to an interactive one.
- Modify the HTML and CSS files, but mostly the JavaScript file.
Play here
The game board consists of sixteen "cards" arranged in a grid. The deck is made up of eight different pairs of cards, each with different symbols on one side. The cards are arranged randomly on the grid with the symbol faced down.
Each turn:
- The player flips one card over to reveal its underlying symbol.
- The player then turns over a second card, trying to find the corresponding card with the same symbol.
- If the cards match, both cards stay flipped over.
- If the cards do not match, both cards are flipped face down.
The game ends once all cards have been correctly matched.
- Project Memory Game - Starter Code
- Symbols: FontAwesome
- Fonts: Google Fonts
- Background: Subtle Patterns