CRITICAL (If active, do not ship product)
Development operations efficiency (automation, etc)
HIGH PRIORITY (If active, product is shippable with minor workflow errors)
LOW PRIORITY (If active, product is fully shippable)
NICE TO HAVE (If active, product is fully shippable)
Add specs, priority and LOE to task
Dependent on resolving another issue (include #) or blocker (business administration, etc)
Includes new UI/UX designs
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
New feature or enhancement to existing feature
Extra attention is needed
Doesn’t make sense to estimate LOE (team training, etc)
High LOE >2 days (team discussion for implementation time awareness)
Non-programming issue - used for Project Management task tracking
Further information is requested
Needs LOE diagnosis (LOE1 assumed to diagnose)
Requires multiple assigned developers
This will not be worked on