An Elixir Event Store implementation.
To run EpicDB you'll first need elasticsearch and rabbitmq installed and running.
brew update
brew install elasticsearch
elasticsearch --config /usr/local/opt/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml
By default, elasticsearch is very good at guessing what types you are sending it. But it treats all strings as something you may want to be able to do full text searches on. This is not something that we need for EpicDB, so we are going to help elasticsearch out and define mappings for different types.
Actually we are going to define a template mapping for any index that matches events*
. This will cover all future timestamped indexes that EpicDB generates when it writes events for a day for the first time.
curl -XPUT '' -d '{"template":"events*","settings":{"number_of_shards":1,"number_of_replicas":1},"mappings":{"card":{"properties":{"eventTarget":{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"},"eventType":{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"},"eventTimestamp":{"type":"date"},"eventTrigger":{"type":"nested","properties":{"type":{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"},"uuid":{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"}}},"data":{"type":"nested","properties":{"uuid":{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"},"expiresOn":{"type":"date"},"firstName":{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"},"kind":{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"},"lastName":{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"},"avatar":{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"},"birthdate":{"type":"date"},"status":{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"}}}}}}}'
Elasticsearch is running in the foreground so you'll need to open a new shell for the following.
brew update
brew install rabbitmq
You'll need to have installed and setup direnv
(Home Page, GitHub, Wiki) as per their instructions. Otherwise you'll need to handle your env vars by hand.
There is a envrc.example
included. This file should be renamed to .envrc
and modified however you need. Once you've setup direnv
and got your .envrc
file inplace, you'll need to tell direnv
to trust it via direnv allow .envrc
### Install Erlang and Elixir
brew update
brew install erlang
brew install elixir
### Clone Repo
git clone [email protected]:KYCK/EpicDB.git
cd EpicDB
### Get dependencies
mix deps.get # The first time you run this it'll ask you to install hex. Say yes.
### Compile, and start iex
iex -S mix
Now you'll be in the elixir repl (iex
). The supervisors are setup to start all the servers/workers/etc. so everything will be running.
There is a Procfile.example
provided. If you have installed foreman (or another port of foreman like forego) you can copy this to Procfile
and then start elasticsearch and rabbitmq via foreman start
Then you'll just need to run iex -S mix
to start the app.
For ease of generating an event, there is another ruby lib at In yet another shell:
cd ../
git clone [email protected]:KYCK/epic_event_generator.git
cd epic_event_generator
If iex
is still running, when you run bin/gen_event
the generated event will be stored in elasticsearch.
To end the iex
session hit CTRL + C
Write Tests!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!