More details on the SPM documentation.
A patched SPM can be installed on Octave using the following script:
%% Store current working directory
cwd = pwd;
%% Download SPM12 r7771
unzip ("", cwd);
%% Patch SPM12
urlwrite ("", "spm12_r7771.patch");
system ("patch -p3 -d spm12-r7771 < spm12_r7771.patch");
%% Compile MEX files
cd (fullfile (cwd, "spm12-r7771", "src"));
system ("make PLATFORM=octave");
system ("make PLATFORM=octave install");
%% Add SPM12 to the function search path
addpath (fullfile (cwd, "spm12-r7771"));
cd (cwd);
%% Start SPM12
The patches contain implementations of:
: undocumented functionrng.m
: function introduced in Octave 7.1gui_mainfcn.m
: undocumented function introduced in Octave 6.1