Repository for the stamps and cubes from S-PLUS images
- Python 3.7+
- SExtractor installed either locally or system-wide
needs to be installed separately following the authors instruction
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Set up the Python environment: It is recommended to use a virtual environment to manage project dependencies. If you don't have virtualenv installed, you can install it by running (or the correspondent command for non-Debian based distros):
apt install python3-venv
- Create a new virtual environment:
python3 -m venv myenv
- Activate the virtual environment:
source myenv/bin/activate
- Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This command will read the requirements.txt file and install all the necessary packages for the project.
- Print help
python3 /path/to/repository/splus-cubes/ --help
To create a data cube for a specific galaxy using a S-PLUS field:
- Navigate to the working directory where the S-PLUS coadded images are stored:
cd workdir/
- The S-PLUS images must be inside a directory for he tile intended to be used on a structure as depicted below:
workdir/ |__ SPLUS-tile/ |__ SPLUS-image_swp.fits |__ SPLUS-image_swpweight.fits
python3 /path/to/repository/splus-cubes/ -v -t 'SPLUS-s28s33' -g 'NGC1365' -l 2400 -i '03:33:36.458 -36:08:26.37' -a 480 -z 0.005476 -p 0.5
This command will create a cube for the galaxy NGC1365 from the images of the field SPLUS-s28s33. The cube will have 2400x2400 pixels and will be centred RA = 03:33:36.458 Dec = -36:08:26.37. The the major circle to mask the galaxy will start with circle of diameter 480 arcsec and the CLASS_STAR cut is 0.5. Along with the cube, several other byproducts will be created, including a mosaic containing the stamps of all processes. The mask included in the cube is a bitmask with values to each pixel with the following correspondence:
- 0: unmasked pixel
- 1: main circular region selected. Every pixel outside of the region is set to 1
- 2: masked stars. Pixels within the stars boundaries are set to 2.
A .png mosaic is available inside the output directory containing the images of the galaxy, the selected stars, the masked resulting image and the mask itself. PS: The images are integral, without any masking applied.
This code is distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3.0. Please refer to the LICENSE
file in the repository for more details.