Getting Park Place up and running was a bit of a trick. It relies on specific (read: older) versions of a few gems. Sounds like a job for bundler.
Now to get this running, make sure you have bundler 1.0 installed.
Clone the repository and:
$ bundle install
$ bin/parkplace
And away you go.
Maintained by the team at Indaba Music. Thanks to joewest for the bundler support and this guy.
Here are the original docs, if you're into stuff like that:
Park Place an Amazon-S3 clone --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, so, you've checked out from Subversion and you want to get this suckr up and everything. First, a checklist: 1. Do you have Camping and Mongrel installed? gem install camping mongrel --include-dependencies 2. I would also recommend the `sendfile' gem if you're on non-Windows. gem install sendfile 3. Do you have SQLite3 installed? (If you don't want to mess with the database driver.) Follow these instructions EXACTLY AS WRITTEN: http://code.whytheluckystiff.net/camping/wiki/BeAlertWhenOnSqlite3 Okay, time to turn it on: bin/parkplace Once you're sold, you can go ahead and install it for reals: sudo ruby setup.rb parkplace --------------------------------------------------------------------------- for more, visit: http://code.whytheluckystiff.net/parkplace