The spectra-cluster-hadoop application is the Apache Hadoop of the newly developed PRIDE Cluster algorithm. It is used to cluster the complete public data in the PRIDE repository for MS/MS based proteomics data.
The spectra-cluster-hadoop application relies on the spectra-cluster clustering API. All implementations of relevant clustering algorithms can be found there.
The following descriptions are only based on the clustering pipeline used to create the PRIDE Cluster resource.
The pipeline itself is run through the script. The order of the lanched jobs and used thresholds are set there. Additionally, detailed configuration options for all jobs can be found in the respective configuration files.
The pipeline used to create the PRIDE Cluster resource consists of four MapReduce jobs:
- The Spectrum job is used to load all spectra from the source (MGF) files. Spectra are normalized and only the 70 highest peaks per spectrum retained.
- The Peak job is used to create the original clustering. The []( master/script/ script launches this job with decreasing thresholds (default starting at an estimated cluster purity of 0.999 in 4 decreasing rounds to a final purity of 0.99). In the first round only spectra that share one of the six highest peaks are compared. In subsequent rounds only spectra that were within the 30 highest scoring matches in the previous round are being compared.
- The Merge job merges clusters in neighbouring windows, again with decreasing accuracy (same settings as for [Peak]( spectracluster/hadoop/peak) job used).
- The Output job writes the result into the .clustering format (see the clustering-file-reader API for more information).
You will need to have Maven installed in order to build spectra-cluster-hadoop.
$ mvn clean package
After the build, you should find in the target folder.
Unzip the release of the library under a dedicated folder and execute the following command.
Usage: ./ [main directory] [job prefix = ''] [similarity threshold settings = 0.999:0.99:4] [output folder = main directory]
[main directory] Path on Hadoop to use as a working directory. The sub-
directory 'spectra' will be used as input directory
[job prefix] (optional) A prefix to add to the Hadoop job names.
[similarity threshold] (optional) The similarity threshold settings,
in the format of <highest threshold>:<final threshold>:<number of steps>
[output folder] (optional) If this option is set, the results are
written to this folder instead of the [main directory]
If you have questions or need additional help, please contact the PRIDE help desk at the EBI. email: pride-support at (replace at with @).
Please give us your feedback, including error reports, suggestions on improvements, new feature requests. You can do so by opening a new issue at our issues section
Please cite this library using one of the following publications:
- Griss J, Foster JM, Hermjakob H, Vizcaíno JA. PRIDE Cluster: building the consensus of proteomics data. Nature methods. 2013;10(2):95-96. doi:10.1038/nmeth.2343. PDF, HTML, PubMed
We welcome all contributions submitted as pull request.
This project is available under the Apache 2 open source software (OSS) license.