R Scripts, CSV files, and glossary terms for head coaching data for the NFL during the Super Bowl Era (1966 - 2023). Data is from Pro Football Reference (https://www.pro-football-reference.com/).
The Data Cleaning folder includes a CSV file; coachhistory that includes head coaches ('66 - '21) coaching experience for who they worked for and employed during their career. The R script in the same folder; coach, cleans this data and prepares it for network analysis. The 2022 - 2023 seasons are manually added to the final CSV file; tree.
The Shiny App folder includes the R script for the deployed app (https://pattonanalytics.shinyapps.io/NFLCoaches/). The script uses three csv files; tree, games, and wins. The games file includes every regular season game during the Super Bowl Era. The wins file looks at every season coached by a head coach. Interim coaches are not included in the coaching tree analysis, but are included in the other two files. There is a csv file; glossary, that provides definitions for all the terms used in these three csv files. The wins and games files are created with the games_coaches csv file located in the Data Cleaning folder. An awards file is also included.