Staging version:
älä commitoi
- lue collectionien nimistä mitä skenaarioita on
- tunnista joukousta pois vesialueen koko collection (erityistapaus, data ei vielä valmis)
- vahvistus ettei dataset ole flipattu
- vahvistus santulta, että palvelussa on varmasti koko datasetti
- parametrien nimet muuttuu vielä (Simo laittaa Santulle tietoa)
The app is built on React + Redux and development is done with Vite + storybooks
Main architecture:
- Client only
- React + Redux + RTK (TODO)
- UI in Chakra (TODO)
- Storybooks for component development
- Deployed on AWS via CDK
Development guidelines:
- Components are implemented separately from redux store
- Connected components are used to pick out data from redux store and passed as props
- Github actions redeploys the CDK project on commits to
Running the development server: npm run dev
Running storyboks: npm run storybook
Backend deployment is on AWS CDK. The architecture is very simple: Cloudformation, ACM certificate and an S3 bucket.
Note that you need to build the application before working on the stacks. Also please note that a frontend developer almost never needs to work on this.
npm run build
cd cdk/
npm install
cdk synth