there is many virtual DOM framework actually 55 pages on npm. What is a virtual dom ? React vuejs and angular are virtual dom libraries.
I really love angular and I work with it every days, React and vuejs are awesome. I just want something different, and push my skills forward. This project is done in my free time for fun, there is no unit-test no ascendant compatibility and it is far from being finished or fully usable. I add features when I need them.
- I dont want to wait for a build any time I do a change
- I want an eventBus wich can send events to any parent/child/sibling/id with ne line of code
- I want any library dependencies
- I want a small size and fast loading
Wwhen you create a custom tag like <myComponent class=".kiss">
inside the <body>
kiss will try to load your component from the path :
- index.html
- views
- mycomponent
- mycomponent.html
- mycomponent.css
- mycomponent.js
- mycomponent
- views
If you prefere to put your componenent elsewhere, you ca change the layout with a configuration class at the application
start with Configuration.setBasePath("../your/application/path");
instead of view your components will be under component
mycomponent.js is a plain javascript class, but you could etends kiss to get the load()
event or geta visual debug
if you need to pot data to any kis component all you have to do is simply
Bus.postMessage(this, "dashboard", "rangeSelect", {range: 4});
That it.
the first argument correspond to the origin attribute , so .."this"
the second is the destination name (the name of
the component and the html tag)
here it is "dashboard"
. then "rangeSelect"
is the name of the message type , and finaly "{range: 4}"
correspond to
the actual data
- use MutationObserver instead of double loading of css
- automate the browser compatibility
- implement angular like html parser *ngFor *ngIf or test and compare with react
- package with npm (break all components appart)
- implement services components (post put delete etc)
- better console log
- move all the fetch things to an httpClient
- make colorUtil static and export in module
- refacto for a better lib user interface and less code
- snake case to camel case for imported file
- cache the html loading ...make a generic cache component
- remove "extends" "peace" and "kiss" should be composition or injections
- add doc inside the code